sigflup / yesplz

yesplz is a uploader
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

Hello everyone! SigFLUP from the Uber Leet Hacker Force here. Hope you like this one- it's a command-line unixporn screen-shot uploader. I had a lot of fun looking over pcaps to write it. I hope this is a lesson about how you really shouldn't write parsers.


after extracting in the directory that yesplz extracted to type these commands:

./configure make make install

ought to do the trick. You'll need libjpeg, X11 and pthreads-- since these things are pretty much standard on any distribution dependencies shouldn't be a problem. You will also need flex/lex to compile it.


$ yesplz --help

will give you a list of options. Here's what they do:

if ~/.yesplz.cfg doesn't exists at least -album -user and -title must be specified. All arguments on the command-line overwrite what's in ** the configuration file

-t this is the timeout in seconds for each operation, the default is 20 seconds

-up this is the timeout is seconds for the uploading part, the default is 100 seconds

-album this is the album you wish to upload to, this must be present

-cat This is the category, if you have alternate categories on your account. The default is "no category"

-user this is the username of your account-- you need to set-up an account on first.

-title this is the title of your screen-shot

-desc this is a description of your screen-shot (optional)

-tag these are any tags you want to use (optional)

-disp this is an alternate X display you want to take a shot from, the default is what's in the environment variable DISPLAY

-qual <0-100> This specifies the jpeg quality (upload size) default is 100

-save This saves any arguments you specify with this argument as a configuration file in ~/.yesplz.cfg The next time yesplz runs and if it finds that file it uses the arguments you "-save"ed with as the defaults. For example, if you type:

     $ yesplz -user sigflup -album "nice album" -save

     from then on all you have to do is type:

             $ yesplz -title "I love pants"

             to upload a screen-shot


-dump dumps sessions to a file for use in debugging

and that's it. Here's an example of how to use it:

$yesplz -user sigflup -title "this is a screen-shot" -album screenshots

it will then ask you for your password...

sigflup's password:

and then show you the status of what it's doing..

shot.. delicious front page cookie delicious login cookie login forum token and timestamp upload logout

If you have any questions or maybe it doesn't work for you please email me at and we can work out your problems.

yours, SigFLUP