.. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/sigmavirus24/Todo.txt-python.png?branch=development :alt: Build Status
A port of the popular todo.txt-cli project <https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli>
_ from bash to python.
This only requires GitPython_ if you want to have todo.py also manage a git
repository which tracks the related files. Running the script once will give
you the URL to download it. Please note that GitPython is written for git --version
If you're on Windows and running the script out of cmd.exe, install colorama for 'termcolor' support.
.. _GitPython: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython
From the repo
If you want to install the copy locally (i.e. to a personal directory) you can
simply download one of the packages_ and run the ``install.sh`` script.
.. _packages: https://github.com/sigmavirus24/Todo.txt-python/downloads
Be sure to run ``./install.sh -h`` first. You can decide where you would like
the script installed (the default is ``$HOME/bin/``) and where you would like an
alias for the script, e.g., ``t`` or ``tpy``, written (the default is
Using pypi
If you would prefer a system-wide installation, you can use install todo.py
from PyPi like so:
$ pip install todo.py
Be aware that making a system-wide installation will not automattically create
an alias for your use. You will have to edit either your .bashrc
(or respective shell configuration filse) to include something
along the lines of:
alias t='$HOME/bin/todo.py'
Enjoy, contribute, and feel free to clone. I'm doing this blind [1]_ as best as possible for fun.
.. _GPLv3: https://raw.github.com/sigmavirus24/Todo.txt-python/master/LICENSE .. _TravisCI: http://travis-ci.org/sigmavirus24/Todo.txt-python
.. [1] By blind, I mean without looking at the source of the original todo.txt-cli project. I'm working solely from my experiences with the script and experimenting with the functionality while adding things I should probably write as patches and send upstream... I'll wait to finish my version of the project first though.