signalfx / gdi-specification

Splunk GDI specification for cross-repository compatibility
Apache License 2.0
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GDI Specification


The GDI specification describes cross-repository requirements and expectations. It is applicable to GDI repositories listed in repositories.txt.

Anything OpenTelemetry or anything that should be in OpenTelemetry will be handled upstream. For information on OpenTelemetry, see the OpenTelemetry Specification

The following specification sections are currently in scope:

GDI repositories MUST adopt GDI specification changes by their next MINOR release and within three months (whichever is sooner). The GDI specification and GDI repositories MUST remove any deprecated specification at the next MAJOR release.

The GDI specification is meant for GDI repositories and MUST NOT be required reading by GDI repository consumers.


Notation Conventions and Compliance

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in the specification are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

An implementation of the GDI specification is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more of the "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", or "SHALL NOT" requirements defined in the GDI specification. Conversely, an implementation of the GDI specification is compliant if it satisfies all the "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", and "SHALL NOT" requirements defined in the GDI specification.

Versioning and Status of the Specification

Changes to the GDI specification are versioned according to Semantic Versioning 2.0 and described in Layout changes are not versioned. GDI repositories that implement the specification MUST specify which version they implement.

Changes to the change process itself are not currently versioned but may be independently versioned in the future.

Specification documents (files) MAY explicitly define a "Status". If they do, they MUST display a status immediately after the document title. When present, the "Status" applies to the individual document only and not to the entire specification or any other documents.

Lifecycle status

The support guarantees and allowed changes are governed by the lifecycle of the document. Lifecycle stages are defined in the versioning document.

Status Explanation
No explicit "Status" Equivalent to Experimental.
Experimental Breaking changes are allowed.
Stable Breaking changes are no longer allowed. [1]
Deprecated Changes are no longer allowed, except for editorial changes.

Feature freeze

In addition to the statuses above, documents may be marked as Feature-freeze. These documents are not currently accepting new feature requests, to allow the GDI specification maintainers time to focus on other areas of the specification. Editorial changes are still accepted. Changes that address production issues with existing features are still accepted.

Feature freeze is separate from a lifecycle status. The lifecycle represents the support requirements for the document, feature freeze only indicates the current focus of the specification community. The feature freeze label may be applied to a document at any lifecycle stage. By definition, deprecated documents have a feature freeze in place.


Some documents have individual sections with different statues. These documents MUST be marked with the status Mixed at the top, for clarity. If a document's status is marked as Mixed then it MUST define at least two different statuses in sections that follow within the document.


See for details on contribution process.


Apache Software License version 2.0.