signalpoint / commerce

The Drupal Commerce module for DrupalGap.
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The Drupal Commerce module for DrupalGap.

Drupal Setup

Step 1. Download and enable the Commerce Services and the Commerce DrupalGap modules on your Drupal site:

Step 1a. Patch the commerce_services module in Drupal with these patches:

Here are some terminal commands to quickly accomplish this:

cd sites/all/modules/commerce_services
git apply -v customer_profile_crud-2643530-1.patch

Step 2. After enabling the Commerce DrupalGap module on your site, then flush all of Drupal's caches for good luck.

Step 3. Go to admin/structure/services/list/drupalgap/resources and enable the following resources:

Step 4. Go to admin/people/permissions and consider enabling these permissions for the roles mentioned:

Step 5. Go to e.g. admin/structure/types/manage/tops/display/drupalgap and set your desired fields to be visible when viewing a product in DrupalGap. At minimum, you'll need to add the Product variations field to the display, to allow the Add to cart form to be shown to users. Do this for each type of product available:


DrupalGap Setup

Step 0: Enable the Address Field module for DrupalGap:

Step 1: Download the DrupalGap Commerce module:

Step 2: Extract the module into the www/app/modules folder, so it lives here:

Step 3: Modify settings.js to include the commerce module and settings, for example:

/* Contrib Modules */
Drupal.modules.contrib['commerce'] = {
  minified: true
drupalgap.settings.commerce = {
  bundles: {
    bags_cases: {
      product_reference_field_name: 'field_product'
    drinks: {
      product_reference_field_name: 'field_product'
    hats: {
      product_reference_field_name: 'field_product'
    shoes: {
      product_reference_field_name: 'field_product'
    storage_devices: {
      product_reference_field_name: 'field_product'
    tops: {
      product_reference_field_name: 'field_product'

Replace the bundles property name(s) with the machine name(s) of your product display content type(s).

Replace field_product with the machine name of the Product reference field for your product display's content type.

Step 4: Install the Address Field module for DrupalGap:

Commerce Cart Block

(Optional) - Place the commerce_cart block in a region on your theme in the settings.js file. Here are some recommended default values:

commerce_cart: {
  pages: {
    mode: 'exclude',
    value: ['cart', 'checkout/*', 'checkout/shipping/*', 'checkout/review/*', 'checkout/payment/*']

Handling Checkout

Right now there is only one payment gateway supported in DrupalGap Commerce, and that is Stripe:

Order Completion

This module leaves it up to you to theme the order completion screen the way you'd like it. Here's how to do it with a custom DrupalGap module:

 * Implements hook_deviceready().
function my_module_deviceready() {

  // Take over the rendering of the checkout complete page.
  drupalgap.menu_links['checkout/complete/%'].pageshow = 'my_module_checkout_complete_pageshow';


function my_module_checkout_complete_pageshow(order_id) {
  // Load the order, build our thank you message, then inject it into the page.
  commerce_order_load(order_id, {
    success: function(order) {
      var content = {};
      content['thanks'] = {
        markup: '<div class="messages status">' +
            t('Thank you for your order!') + ' (#' + order_id + ')' +
      $('#' + commerce_checkout_complete_container_id(order_id)).html(


POST ?q=drupalgap/cart.json 401 (Unauthorized : Access to this operation not granted)

In Drupal, go to admin/people/permissions and grant permissions for Create orders of any type

POST ?q=drupalgap/line-item.json 401 (Unauthorized : Access to this operation not granted)

Drupal commerce does not allow anonymous user's to edit their own orders, AFAIK.

The commerce_entity_access() function and the boolean that checks for $account->uid won't allow anonymous users to edit their own orders even if you grant permission.

Until this "bug" is addressed, all users of your app must be authenticated to be able to add an item to the cart.

drupalgap_get_form - failed to get form (commerce_cart_add_to_cart_form)

Have you added the drupalgap.settings.commerce config to your settings.js file for each content type and product reference field? See step 3 above.