signalwire / libstirshaken

C library implementing STIR-shaken STI-SP AS/VS, STI-CA
MIT License
31 stars 23 forks source link


STIR-Shaken is a technology for making secure calls by use of SSL certificates and JSON Web Tokens. For a general overview of the framwork please search web for: ATIS, "Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information using Tokens (SHAKEN). Governance Model and Certificate Management",

This library implements STIR (Secure Telephony Identity Revisited) and SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) (RFC8224, RFC8588), with X509 certificate path check (ATIS "Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN)", RFC5280 "6. Certification Path Validation").

You can find a comprehensive list of specs relevant to Shaken at the bottom of this document.


This library provides building blocks for implementing STIR-Shaken authentication and verification services, (STI-SP/AS, STI-SP/VS), as well as elements of STI-CA and STI-PA.


libstirshaken was tested for interoperability with other leading Shaken implementations (e.g. TransNexus).

Basic usage


Create PASSporT using Authentication Service interface

stir_shaken_context_t ss = { 0 };
stir_shaken_passport_params_t params = {
    .x5u = """,
    .attest = "B",
    .desttn_key = "tn",
    .desttn_val = "01256700800",
    .iat = time(NULL),
    .origtn_key = "tn",
    .origtn_val = "01256500600",
    .origid = "e32f4189-cb86-460f-bb92-bd3acb89f29c"
stir_shaken_passport_t *passport = NULL;
char *s = NULL, *sih = NULL;
stir_shaken_as_t *as = NULL;

stir_shaken_init(&ss, STIR_SHAKEN_LOGLEVEL_NOTHING);
as = stir_shaken_as_create(&ss);
stir_shaken_as_load_private_key(&ss, as, "sp.priv"); 
encoded = stir_shaken_as_authenticate_to_passport(&ss, as, &params, &passport);

Print PASSporT in encoded form

printf("\n1. PASSporT encoded:\n%s\n", encoded);
1. PASSporT encoded:

Print PASSporT in decoded (plain) form

s = stir_shaken_passport_dump_str(&ss, passport, 1);
printf("\n2. PASSporT decoded:\n%s\n", s);
2. PASSporT decoded:

    "alg": "ES256",
    "ppt": "shaken",
    "typ": "passport",
    "x5u": ""
    "attest": "B",
    "dest": {
        "tn": [
    "iat": 1616442523,
    "orig": {
        "tn": "01256500600"
    "origid": "e32f4189-cb86-460f-bb92-bd3acb89f29c"

Create and print SIP Identity Header

sih = stir_shaken_as_authenticate_to_sih(&ss, as, &params, &passport);
printf("\n3. SIP Identity Header:\n%s\n", sih);
3. SIP Identity Header:


char *passport_encoded = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInBwdCI6InNoYWtlbiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zaGFrZW4uc2lnbmFsd2lyZS5jbG91ZC9zcC5wZW0ifQ.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJCIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyIwMTI1NjcwMDgwMCJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjE2NDQyNTIzLCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiMDEyNTY1MDA2MDAifSwib3JpZ2lkIjoiZTMyZjQxODktY2I4Ni00NjBmLWJiOTItYmQzYWNiODlmMjljIn0.VT_KOQtrCS3WctNBFT7PKcUowTqHI1cZU3XhBaYEji8eH07XE5rYxomns1EnnePpw96zUF7cr-mBBro-wP65jg";
char *sip_identity_header = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInBwdCI6InNoYWtlbiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zaGFrZW4uc2lnbmFsd2lyZS5jbG91ZC9zcC5wZW0ifQ.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJCIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyIwMTI1NjcwMDgwMCJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjE2NDQyNTIzLCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiMDEyNTY1MDA2MDAifSwib3JpZ2lkIjoiZTMyZjQxODktY2I4Ni00NjBmLWJiOTItYmQzYWNiODlmMjljIn0.rN3n-2qjP9eVPMViBbK6sVUmN3tMRbI-8ffVs1M7J9KL0q0hMKtdZNBWj_TS5RkvakiDUoSErkDsahh2nRGD8Q;info=<>;alg=ES256;ppt=shaken";
stir_shaken_passport_t *passport_out = NULL;
stir_shaken_cert_t *cert_out = NULL;
int iat_freshness_seconds = 60;
unsigned long connect_timeout_s = 5;
stir_shaken_vs_t *vs = NULL;

stir_shaken_init(&ss, STIR_SHAKEN_LOGLEVEL_NOTHING);

vs = stir_shaken_vs_create(&ss);

Optionally turn on X509 certificate path verification (and configure CA dir containing trusted CA root certificates)

stir_shaken_vs_set_x509_cert_path_check(&ss, vs, 1);
stir_shaken_vs_load_ca_dir(&ss, vs, "path/to/ca/dir");

Optionally set your own callback to supply certificates from cache

stir_shaken_vs_set_callback(&ss, vs, cache_callback);

Optionally set timeout on connect (default is 2 seconds)

stir_shaken_vs_set_connect_timeout(&ss, vs, connect_timeout_s);

Verify PASSporT's signature (involves certificate downloading or fetching from cache, and X509 cert path check if turned on), input is PASSporT encoded, output is status and optionally certificate and PASSporT used during verification

status = stir_shaken_vs_passport_verify(&ss, vs, passport_encoded, &cert_out, &passport_out);
if (STIR_SHAKEN_STATUS_OK != status) {
    printf("PASSporT failed verification");
} else {
    printf("PASSporT Verified");

Same as before, but input is PASSporT wrapped into SIP Identity Header

status = stir_shaken_vs_sih_verify(&ss, vs, sip_identity_header, &cert_out, &passport_out);
if (STIR_SHAKEN_STATUS_OK != status) {
    printf("SIP Identity Header failed verification");
} else {
    printf("SIP Identity Header verified");

Check that PASSporT applies to the current moment in time

if (STIR_SHAKEN_STATUS_OK != stir_shaken_passport_validate_iat_against_freshness(&ss, passport_out, iat_freshness_seconds)) {
    error_description = stir_shaken_get_error(&ss, &error_code);
        printf("PASSporT not valid yet\n");
        printf("PASSporT expired\n");
    } else if (error_code == STIR_SHAKEN_ERROR_PASSPORT_INVALID_IAT) {
        printf("PASSporT is missing @iat grant\n");
    } else {
        printf("You called this method with NULL PASSporT\n");
    printf("PASSporT doesn't apply to the current moment in time\n");
    printf("Error description is:\n%s\n", error_description);

Print PASSporT

passport_decoded = stir_shaken_passport_dump_str(&ss, passport, 1);
if (passport_decoded) {
    printf("PASSporT is:\n%s\n", passport_decoded);
    passport_decoded = NULL;
PASSporT Verified

PASSporT is:

    "alg": "ES256",
    "ppt": "shaken",
    "typ": "passport",
    "x5u": ""
    "attest": "B",
    "dest": {
        "tn": [
    "iat": 1616442523,
    "orig": {
        "tn": "01256500600"
    "origid": "e32f4189-cb86-460f-bb92-bd3acb89f29c"

Print the certificate

if (STIR_SHAKEN_STATUS_OK == stir_shaken_read_cert_fields(&ss, cert)) {
    printf("Certificate is:\n");
    stir_shaken_print_cert_fields(stdout, cert);
Certificate is:
STIR-Shaken: STI Cert: Serial number: 01 1
STIR-Shaken: STI Cert: Issuer: /C=US/CN=SignalWire STI-CA Test
STIR-Shaken: STI Cert: Subject: /C=US/CN=SignalWire STI-SP Test
STIR-Shaken: STI Cert: Valid from: Aug  1 00:37:19 2020 GMT
STIR-Shaken: STI Cert: Valid to: Dec 17 00:37:19 2047 GMT
STIR-Shaken: STI Cert: Version: 3


/ - main folder
    README.txt  - this file
    src/        - library sources
    include/    - library headers
    util/       - helper programs (stirshaken tool for running multiple commands, see below)
    test/       - unit tests
    examples/   - examples:
                        stir_shaken_as_basic.c - shows how Authentication Service may be constructed from the basic blocks
                        stir_shaken_as_easy.c - shows how to use default Authentication Service interface
                        stir_shaken_vs_basic.c - shows how Verification Service may be constructed from the basic blocks
                        stir_shaken_vs_easy.c - shows how to use default Verification Service interface
                        stir_shaken_ca.c - shows how Certificate Authority may be constructed from the basic blocks
                        stir_shaken_cert_req.c - shows how certificate may be requested and downloaded from CA




OpenSSL: version 1.1 or later

LibJWT: version 1.12 or later


Signalwire Personal Access Token:

Packages for latest libks and libjwt which are required are available in the freeswitch package repositories:

Debian 10:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y gnupg2 wget lsb-release
wget --http-user=signalwire --http-password=$TOKEN -O /usr/share/keyrings/signalwire-freeswitch-repo.gpg

echo "machine login signalwire password $TOKEN" > /etc/apt/auth.conf
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signalwire-freeswitch-repo.gpg] `lsb_release -sc` main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list
echo "deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signalwire-freeswitch-repo.gpg] `lsb_release -sc` main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list
apt-get update && apt-get install -y automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjwt-dev libks


brew install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config curl libjwt
brew install signalwire/signalwire/libks

Build from source

Example Dockerfiles to build FreeSWITCH and dependencies from source:




sudo make install

In case of troubles with build see Troubleshooting.


Test suite can be executed with

make check

command in main folder. There is one special test (13) which tests it all,

it runs the complete process of SP obtaining STI cert from CA. By default this test will mock CA process and HTTP transfers,

but it can also be tested with real CA running and HTTP transfers executed, for this run test with 'nomock' argument.

It will download STI cert from CA, given you run it somewhere with reference data, e.g:

./stirshaken ca --port 8082 --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA Test" --serial 1 --expiry 9999 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri "" --pa_cert test/ref/pa/pa.pem --vvv

CA can be configured with SSL:
    ./stirshaken ca --port 8082 --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 9999 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri "TNAuthList(URI)" --pa_cert test/ref/pa/pa.pem --ssl --ssl_cert fullchain.cer --ssl_key key.pem --vvv


You can find very compressed and useful examples of library usages in 'examples' folder. If you would like to learn more, probably 'util' folder with 'stirshaken' program would be very helpful as most of this library's functionalities are exposed through it. Simply run ./stirshaken to start:

root@deb9:~/projects/libstirshaken# ./stirshaken

usage:   /root/projects/libstirshaken/.libs/stirshaken command

Where command is one of:

         keys --pubkey pub.pem --privkey priv.pem
         csr --privkey key --pubkey key --subject_c C --subject_cn CN --spc CODE -f csrName
         cert --type CA --privkey key --pubkey key --issuer_c C --issuer_cn CN --serial SERIAL --expiry EXPIRY -f certName
         cert --type SP --privkey key --pubkey key --issuer_c C --issuer_cn CN --serial SERIAL --expiry EXPIRY --ca_cert ca.pem --csr csr.pem --uri TNAuthList(URI) -f certName
         hash -f certName
         spc-token --privkey key --url x5u_URL --spc CODE --issuer_cn CN -f spc_token_file_name
         jwt-key-check --jwt token --pubkey key
         jwt-check --jwt token [--cert_path_check --ca_dir ca_dir] [--timeout timeout_in_seconds]
         jwt-dump --jwt token
         ca --port 80 --privkey key --issuer_c C --issuer_cn CN --serial SERIAL --expiry EXPIRY --ca_cert ca.pem --uri TNAuthList(URI) --pa_cert pa.pem --pa_dir padir
         pa --port 80
         sp-spc-req --url URL --port port
         sp-cert-req --url URL --port port --privkey key --pubkey key --csr csr.pem --spc CODE --spc_token SPC_TOKEN -f CERT_NAME
         passport-create --privkey key --url x5u_URL --attest attestation_level --origtn origtn --desttn desttn --origid origid -f passport_file_name

         Each command accepts setting print/logging verbosity level:
         --v        basic logging
         --vv       medium logging
         --vvv      high logging

         CA can be configured with HTTPS by setting up SSL cert and key with:
             --ssl --ssl_cert cert.pem --ssl_key key.pem

         SSL/HTTPS is supported, simply use 'https://' instead of 'http://' whenever you need encryption (default port for HTTPS is 443)

         keys           : generate key pair
         csr            : generate X509 certificate request for SP identified by SP Code given to --spc
         cert           : generate X509 certificate (end entity for --type SP and self-signed for --type CA)
         hash           : save CA certificate under hashed name (in this form it can be put into CA dir)
         spc-token      : generate SPC token for SP identified by SP Code given to --spc (set token's PA issuer to name given as --issuer_cn, and token's x5u URL of the PA certificate to URL given as --url)
         jwt-key-check      : decode JWT and verify signature using public key given to --pubkey
         jwt-check      : decode JWT and verify signature using certificate referenced in 'x5u' header (involves HTTP(S) GET request), optionally execute X509 certificate path check against trusted root CA certificates
         jwt-dump       : decode JWT and print it (do not verify signature)
         ca         : run CA service on port given to --port and accepting tokens issued by trusted PAs (trusted PAs are ones that match public key embedded in cert given to --pa_cert or those whose certificate can be linked to trusted PA roots by X509 cert path check procedure using certs from the folder given to --pa_dir, options --pa_cert and --pa_dir are independent). Use "--ssl --ssl_cert cert.pem --ssl_key key.pem" for HTTPS
         pa         : run PA service on port given to --port
         sp-spc-req     : request SP Code token from PA at url given to --url
         sp-cert-req        : request SP certificate for Service Provider identified by number given to --spc from CA at url given to --url on port given to --port
         passport-create    : generate PASSporT with x5u pointing to given URL, with given attestation level, origination and destination telephone numbers and with given reference, and sign it using specified private key
         version        : print the library version (git hash of the most recent commit)

Helpful commands from SSL

openssl req -in csr.pem -text -noout
openssl x509 -in sp.pem -text -noout
openssl x509 -hash -noout -in ca.pem

openssl pkey -in priv.pem -pubout -outform pem | sha256sum
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -pubkey -noout -outform pem | sha256sum
openssl req -in csr.pem -pubkey -noout -outform pem | sha256sum
openssl verify -verbose -CAfile test/ref/ca/ca.pem sp.pem

Some commands to get you started

./stirshaken keys --privkey priv.key --pubkey pub.key

./stirshaken csr --privkey priv.key --pubkey pub.key --spc 12 --subject_c US --subject_cn "New SP" -f csr.pem

sudo ./stirshaken ca --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 10000 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri --vvv

./stirshaken ca --port 8756 --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 1000 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri --v

./stirshaken ca --port 8082 --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 9999 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri "TNAuthList(URI)" --pa_cert test/ref/pa/pa.pem --vvv

./stirshaken ca --port 8082 --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 9999 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri "TNAuthList(URI)" --pa_cert test/ref/pa/pa.pem --ssl -ssl_cert cert.pem --ssl_key key.pem --vvv

./stirshaken ca --port 8082 --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 9999 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri "TNAuthList(URI)" --pa_cert test/ref/pa/pa.pem --pa_dir rootpax509 --ssl --ssl_cert fullchain.cer --ssl_key key.pem --vvv

./stirshaken passport-create --privkey test/ref/pa/pa.priv --url -attest B --origtn +48599800700 --desttn +447267888999 --origid REF200500 -f passport_ssl.txt

nohup sudo ./stirshaken ca --port 8082 --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 10000 --ca_cert test/ref/ca/ca.pem --uri --vvv 2> /var/log/ca.err > /var/log/ca.log &

./stirshaken sp-cert-req --url https://localhost/sti-ca/acme/cert --privkey priv.key --pubkey pub.key --csr csr.pem --spc 12 --spc_token SPCT --v

./stirshaken cert --type CA --privkey test/ref/ca/ca.priv --pubkey test/ref/ca/ --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-CA" --serial 1 --expiry 10000 -f test/ref/ca/ca.pem -v

./stirshaken cert --type SP --privkey priv.key --pubkey pub.key --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "Trusted CA" --serial 3 --expiry 2 --ca_cert ca.pem --csr csr.pem --uri "" -f sp.pem

./stirshaken cert --type PA --privkey test/ref/pa/pa.priv --pubkey test/ref/pa/ --issuer_c US --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-PA" --serial 1 --expiry 1000 -f test/ref/pa/pa.pem

./stirshaken spc-token --privkey pa_priv.pem --url --spc 7889 --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-PA" -f spc_token.txt --vvv

./stirshaken spc-token --privkey test/ref/pa/pa.priv --url --spc 1 --issuer_cn "SignalWire STI-PA" -f spc_token_1.txt --vvv

./stirshaken jwt-check --jwt eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInBwdCI6InNoYWtlbiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zaGFrZW4uc2lnbmFsd2lyZS5jbG91ZC9zcC5wZW0ifQ.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJCIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyJBbGljZSJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjE1OTM2MjQ1LCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiQm9iIn0sIm9yaWdpZCI6ImUzMmY0MTg5LWNiODYtNDYwZi1iYjkyLWJkM2FjYjg5ZjI5YyJ9.jJSEUTpKlBuSGT_eoyWB6ngHl5J5OA0yAbDPMq8mjO1SkHaXxh8aL1oJ2Gl2qmqmMJNXMQeeA6KKZphensxljg --ca_dir test/ref/ca --vvv

Verify PASSporT without X509 cert path check:

./stirshaken jwt-check --jwt eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInBwdCI6InNoYWtlbiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zaGFrZW4uc2lnbmFsd2lyZS5jbG91ZC9zcC5wZW0ifQ.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJCIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyJBbGljZSJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjE1OTM2MjQ1LCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiQm9iIn0sIm9yaWdpZCI6ImUzMmY0MTg5LWNiODYtNDYwZi1iYjkyLWJkM2FjYjg5ZjI5YyJ9.jJSEUTpKlBuSGT_eoyWB6ngHl5J5OA0yAbDPMq8mjO1SkHaXxh8aL1oJ2Gl2qmqmMJNXMQeeA6KKZphensxljg --vvv

Verify PASSporT with X509 cert path check:

./stirshaken jwt-check --jwt eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInBwdCI6InNoYWtlbiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zaGFrZW4uc2lnbmFsd2lyZS5jbG91ZC9zcC5wZW0ifQ.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJCIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyJBbGljZSJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjE1OTM2MjQ1LCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiQm9iIn0sIm9yaWdpZCI6ImUzMmY0MTg5LWNiODYtNDYwZi1iYjkyLWJkM2FjYjg5ZjI5YyJ9.jJSEUTpKlBuSGT_eoyWB6ngHl5J5OA0yAbDPMq8mjO1SkHaXxh8aL1oJ2Gl2qmqmMJNXMQeeA6KKZphensxljg --cert_path_check --ca_dir test/ref/ca --vvv

Verify PASSporT with X509 cert path check and put 1 second timeout on HTTPS connection to be established:

./stirshaken jwt-check --jwt eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInBwdCI6InNoYWtlbiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zaGFrZW4uc2lnbmFsd2lyZS5jbG91ZC9zcC5wZW0ifQ.eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJCIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6WyJBbGljZSJdfSwiaWF0IjoxNjE1OTM2MjQ1LCJvcmlnIjp7InRuIjoiQm9iIn0sIm9yaWdpZCI6ImUzMmY0MTg5LWNiODYtNDYwZi1iYjkyLWJkM2FjYjg5ZjI5YyJ9.jJSEUTpKlBuSGT_eoyWB6ngHl5J5OA0yAbDPMq8mjO1SkHaXxh8aL1oJ2Gl2qmqmMJNXMQeeA6KKZphensxljg --cert_path_check --ca_dir test/ref/ca --timeout 1 --vvv

./stirshaken jwt-key-check --jwt "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImlzc3VlciI6IlNpZ25hbFdpcmUiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXUiOiJodHRwczovL2phenpjaGF0LnBsL3BhLnBlbSJ9.eyJub3RBZnRlciI6IjEgeWVhciBmcm9tIG5vdyIsIm5vdEJlZm9yZSI6InRvZGF5Iiwic3BjIjoiMTAxIiwidHlwZSI6InNwYy10b2tlbiJ9.PGNPGieDuNIhxtpLFUPwS0qyy61_iW4hNqyio-jeSn8o8d7zgLW1SsQ6JFNB4txR8cW-99mKO1fO7qmSrbOAOw" --pubkey test/ref/pa/ --vvv

./stirshaken jwt-dump --jwt "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImlzc3VlciI6IlNpZ25hbFdpcmUiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXUiOiJodHRwczovL2phenpjaGF0LnBsL3BhLnBlbSJ9.eyJub3RBZnRlciI6IjEgeWVhciBmcm9tIG5vdyIsIm5vdEJlZm9yZSI6InRvZGF5Iiwic3BjIjoiMTAxIiwidHlwZSI6InNwYy10b2tlbiJ9.PGNPGieDuNIhxtpLFUPwS0qyy61_iW4hNqyio-jeSn8o8d7zgLW1SsQ6JFNB4txR8cW-99mKO1fO7qmSrbOAOw" --vvv

./stirshaken sp-cert-req --url https://localhost/sti-ca/acme/cert --privkey priv.key --pubkey pub.key --csr csr.pem --spc 12 --spc_token SPCT --v

./stirshaken sp-cert-req --url --port 8082 --privkey test/ref/sp/sp.priv --pubkey test/ref/sp/ --csr test/ref/sp/csr.pem --spc 1 --spc_token eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImlzc3VlciI6IlNpZ25hbFdpcmUgU1RJLVBBIFRlc3QiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXUiOiJodHRwczovL3BhLnNoYWtlbi5zaWduYWx3aXJlLmNvbS9wYS5wZW0ifQ.eyJub3RBZnRlciI6IjEgeWVhciBmcm9tIG5vdyIsIm5vdEJlZm9yZSI6InRvZGF5Iiwic3BjIjoiMSIsInR5cGUiOiJzcGMtdG9rZW4ifQ.Q2_oc3Ssd_Nz1Ex_B2nm8C8iiN9OzgxBRsljuEqkFdiEh5wkAHhqnQd54bITs2k4M6p9ePfRV5-8qtsXVkUp-Q -f sptest.pem --vvv



Any questions? Please let us know at: