sigur / preconditions

TypeScript version of Guava Preconditions
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work in progress


Preconditions is a small Javascript library based on TypeScript, which is derived from the Google Java library: Guava. This version is an "as-is" translation from Java to Javascript of Guava Preconditions class.

See the Guava official wiki for more info.


The scope of this library is to provide static method utilities to improve readability of code, and to help the calling method to collaborate with its caller if it has made an invalid request.

For every method the idea is to provide the possibility of throwing an exception:

  1. Without error messages;
  2. With a static error message string;
  3. With a dynamic string for the message.

The last point is like a template literal, but without the backtick, because it behaves like it but common string interpolation are used (double quotes or single quote). Reason is for efficiency, because it's resolved in lazy way, when an error occurs. Placeholder keys/positions and placeholder values are required for this version.


Without error message

Preconditions.checkArgument(two < 1);

With static error message

Preconditions.checkArgument(two < 1, 'Number is not less than one');

With dynamic error message

Preconditions.checkArgument(two < 1, 'The param value ${two} is not less than ${one}', {two: 'Two', one: '1'});
Preconditions.checkArgument(two < 1, 'The param value ${0} is not less than ${1}', ['Two', '1']);