sikher / gurbanidb

An API for the Sikh Scriptures using the Laravel PHP framework
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GurbaniDB API

Version: 2.2

Welcome to the GurbaniDB API for the Sikh Scriptures developed using the popular Laravel PHP Framework. We decided to take advantage of Laravel's fantastic ORM to rapidly develop this API.

We decided to keep this API version (2.x) and the GurbaniDB database version (2.x) the same because they were developed together and are compatible with one another.

GurbaniDB API Version 1.0, as used formerly in the GurbaniDB search engine, is now deprecated and we will no longer be supporting or documenting it.


The latest version of this repo is live at:


Before installing the GurbaniDB API, please ensure you have the following packages installed on your local machine or server.

You may choose to use a software like WAMPP or XAMPP, or a package manager like Brew for Mac or APT for Linux, to install most of these dependencies for you:

As well as this, you will need to know how to setup name-based Virtual Hosts or vhosts in Apache and how to edit your system's hosts file.

Finally, you will need to know some basics of how to use Terminal or the command-line.


Step 1: Download the Repository

Just use git to clone the ssh version:

git clone

Or use git to clone the https version:

git clone

Or download the .zip archive and unzip it:

Step 2: Setup a Virtual Host & Install Laravel

  1. Please setup a vhost called (or a name of your choosing) to point to the directory where you just downloaded the GurbaniDB repository
  2. Now open Terminal or the command-line and use cd to navigate to the GurbaniDB repository. Then run the command php composer.phar install to install all the dependencies of the Laravel PHP framework
  3. Open a browser and navigate to to see if it loads the homepage. If not, check your Apache error log and double-check you installed all the pre-requisites properly.

Step 3: Install Local GurbaniDB Database & Setup Production Database

  1. Download the GurbaniDB 2.x database here:
  2. Follow the installation instructions here:
  3. Go to ./app/config/ in your repository and mkdir 'production'. Then cp the file database.php into the new production folder. Now update the database settings inside the following files:
    • app/config/database.php - Default Database
    • app/config/local/database.php - Local Database
    • app/config/production/database.php - Production Database

The local and production environments are determined by the bootstrap/start.php file, so you will also have to modify this to your local and production server HTTP host names.

Running Tests

To run the unit tests simply navigate to the root of the directory in Terminal and use the command:

$ phpunit

If everything is setup right, you should see something like:

PHPUnit 3.7.28 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Configuration read from {/dir/to/application}/phpunit.xml


Time: 2.57 seconds, Memory: 53.75Mb

OK (60 tests, 60 assertions)

API Routes

Below is a list of all the API routes supported in this application, which you can also find in app/routes.php:

Please Note: Some entries in our database contain two lines in the same entry and therefore will not show up in search by first letters from start (/search/). To find these you may search by first letters anywhere (/search/1/)

Version History




To Do