silaev / mongodb-replica-set

Run MongoDB Atlas locally for testing
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Run MongoDB Atlas locally for testing

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Tip: A single node replica set is the fastest among others. That is the default mode for MongoDbReplicaSet. However, to use only it, consider the Testcontainers MongoDB module on GitHub

Getting it

Run on Apple silicon

Use digests for linux/arm64/v8 and Docker Desktop for Apple silicon supporting host.docker.internal (should be in the OS host file). Examples: 1.


2 ./gradlew clean build -DmongoReplicaSetProperties.mongoDockerImageName=mongo@sha256:8a823923d80e819e21ee6c179eabf42460b6b7d8ac3dd5f35b59419ae5413640 -DmongoReplicaSetProperties.useHostDockerInternal=true

MongoDB versions that MongoDbReplicaSet is constantly tested against

version transaction support
3.6.14 -
4.0.12 +
4.2.8 +
4.4.4 +
5.0.5 +


Click to see a single node example ```java class ITTest { @Test void testDefaultSingleNode() { try ( //create a single node mongoDbReplicaSet and auto-close it afterwards final MongoDbReplicaSet mongoDbReplicaSet = MongoDbReplicaSet.builder() .mongoDockerImageName("mongo:4.4.4") .build() ) { //start it mongoDbReplicaSet.start(); assertThat( mongoDbReplicaSet.nodeStates(mongoDbReplicaSet.getMongoRsStatus().getMembers()), hasItem(ReplicaSetMemberState.PRIMARY) ); assertNotNull(mongoDbReplicaSet.getReplicaSetUrl()); } } } ```
Click to see a fault tolerance example ```java class ITTest { @Test void testFaultTolerance() { try ( //create a PSA mongoDbReplicaSet and auto-close it afterwards final MongoDbReplicaSet mongoDbReplicaSet = MongoDbReplicaSet.builder() //with the latest mongo:4.4.4 docker image .mongoDockerImageName("mongo:4.4.4") //If true then use host.docker.internal of Docker, //otherwise take dockerhost of Qoomon docker-host. //Make sure that your OS host file includes one of them. //All new Docker versions support the first variant. .useHostDockerInternal(true) //with 2 working nodes .replicaSetNumber(2) //with an arbiter node .addArbiter(true) //create a proxy for each node to simulate network partitioning .addToxiproxy(true) .build() ) { //start it mongoDbReplicaSet.start(); assertNotNull(mongoDbReplicaSet.getReplicaSetUrl()); //get a primary node final MongoNode masterNode = mongoDbReplicaSet.getMasterMongoNode( mongoDbReplicaSet.getMongoRsStatus().getMembers() ); //cut off the primary node from network mongoDbReplicaSet.disconnectNodeFromNetwork(masterNode); //wait until a new primary is elected that is different from the masterNode mongoDbReplicaSet.waitForMasterReelection(masterNode); assertThat( mongoDbReplicaSet.nodeStates(mongoDbReplicaSet.getMongoRsStatus().getMembers()), hasItems( ReplicaSetMemberState.PRIMARY, ReplicaSetMemberState.ARBITER ) ); //bring back the disconnected masterNode mongoDbReplicaSet.connectNodeToNetwork(masterNode); //wait until all nodes are up and running mongoDbReplicaSet.waitForAllMongoNodesUp(); assertThat( mongoDbReplicaSet.nodeStates(mongoDbReplicaSet.getMongoRsStatus().getMembers()), hasItems( ReplicaSetMemberState.PRIMARY, ReplicaSetMemberState.ARBITER, ReplicaSetMemberState.SECONDARY ) ); } } } ```


General info

Click to see how to create a 3 node replica set on fixed ports via Docker manually MongoDB starting from version 4 supports multi-document transactions only on a replica set. For example, to initialize a 3 node replica set on fixed ports via Docker, one has to do the following: 1. Add ` mongo1 mongo2 mongo3` to the host file of an operation system; 2. Run in terminal: - `docker network create mongo-cluster` - `docker run --name mongo1 -d --net mongo-cluster -p 50001:50001 mongo:4.0.10 mongod --replSet docker-rs --port 50001` - `docker run --name mongo2 -d --net mongo-cluster -p 50002:50002 mongo:4.0.10 mongod --replSet docker-rs --port 50002` - `docker run --name mongo3 -d --net mongo-cluster -p 50003:50003 mongo:4.0.10 mongod --replSet docker-rs --port 50003` 3. Prepare the following unix end of lines script (optionally put it folder scripts or use rs.add on each node): ```js rs.initiate({ "_id": "docker-rs", "members": [ {"_id": 0, "host": "mongo1:50001"}, {"_id": 1, "host": "mongo2:50002"}, {"_id": 2, "host": "mongo3:50003"} ] }); ``` 4. Run in terminal: - `docker cp scripts/ mongo1:/scripts/` - `docker exec -it mongo1 /bin/sh -c "mongo --port 50001 < /scripts/init.js"` As we can see, there is a lot of operations to execute and we even didn't touch a non-fixed port approach. That's where the MongoDbReplicaSet might come in handy.

Supported features

Feature Description default value how to set
replicaSetNumber The number of voting nodes in a replica set including a master one 1 MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()
awaitNodeInitAttempts The number of approximate seconds to wait for a master or an arbiter node(if addArbiter=true) 29 starting from 0 MongoDBReplicaSet.builder()
propertyFileName yml file located on the classpath none MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()
mongoDockerImageName a MongoDB docker file name mongo:4.0.10 finds first set:
1) MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()
2) the system property mongoReplicaSetProperties.mongoDockerImageName
3) propertyFile
4) default value
addArbiter whether or not to add an arbiter node to a cluster false MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()
slaveDelayTimeout whether or not to create one master and the others as delayed members false MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()
useHostDockerInternal If true then use host.docker.internal of Docker, otherwise take dockerhost of Qoomon docker-host false finds first set:
1) MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()
2) the system property mongoReplicaSetProperties.useHostDockerInternal
3) default value
addToxiproxy whether or not to create a proxy for each MongoDB node via Toxiproxy false MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()
enabled whether or not MongoReplicaSet is enabled even if instantiated in a test true finds first set:
1) the system property mongoReplicaSetProperties.enabled
2) propertyFile
3) default value
commandLineOptions command line options, example:Arrays.asList("--oplogSize", "50") emptyList MongoDbReplicaSet.builder()

a propertyFile.yml example:

  enabled: false
  mongoDockerImageName: mongo:4.1.13


Apache License, Version 2.0

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Copyright (c) 2022 Konstantin Silaev