The CakePHP Full Calendar Plugin allows you to easily integrate the jQuery based Full Calendar application with your CakePHP application for a slick ajax event calendar.
The plugin brings the following MIT licensed software (see LICENCE) together to create a simple and sleek experience:
-CakePHP ( Required by this plugin
-Full Calendar ( The jQuery based Calendar
-jQuery ( Required by Full Calendar
-jQuery UI ( Required for draggable and resizable events
-qTip ( A jQuery plugin for hover details
While working on another project I needed a visual calendar for event management for multiple users/accounts. From that project I decided to simplify the calendar and turn it into a plugin because there didn't appear to be a clean (easy to install and use) CakePHP Calendar plugin out there.
In it's current form this plugin is for a single user though I plan on creating a few associated plugins to allow for multiple users, etc.
NOTE: These instructions assume you already have a working copy of CakePHP with a database connection on your web server.
You can read up on CakePHP installation and DB config here:!/view/913/Development AND!/view/922/Database-Configuration
Download or fork the CakePHP Full Calendar Plugin at:
Create the folder "FullCalendar" in your "app/Plugin" directory and copy the Config, Controller, Model, View, and webroot folders into it.
Create an "events" and "event_types" table by importing the "FullCalendar.sql" file found in the "FullCalendar/Config" directory (Using PHPMyAdmin, command-line, etc).
In your Cake installation, edit "app/Config/bootstrap.php" and add the line "CakePlugin::load('FullCalendar');" at the bottom.
You should now be able to access the Full Calendar Plugin at:
You should add some Event Types first. Then you can start scheduling some Events!