silent-dragonfly / cc3100-wireshark-sniffer

The restored example of piping the Wi-Fi traffic from CC3100 to the WireShark
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Sniffer with CC3100 and WireShark

Restored example from CC3100 Programming User Guide for the CC3100 BoosterPack and Advanced Emulation Kit.

Build and run

  1. Install MinGW and add it ot the PATH
  2. Install CC3100SDK 1.2.0 (C:\TI\CC3100SDK_1.2.0)
  3. Copy:
    • all from ${SDK}\cc3100-sdk\simplelink to simple-link\simple_link
    • files from ${SDK}\cc3100-sdk\platform\simplelinkstudio to simple-link\simple_link_studio
  4. mingw32-make -f Makefile - build project
  5. Debug\cc3100-wireshark-sniffer.exe - run