silentbicycle / skiparray

unrolled skip list library for C
ISC License
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skiparray: an unrolled skip list library

This C library provides a void * -> void * ordered collection based on a Skip list, but where a skip list links individual key/value pairs, this instead links together small arrays (it's "unrolled"). All arrays except the last are always at least half-full. It has roughly the same relation to a skip list as a B-tree does a more conventional Binary search tree.

Key Features:


To build and install the library:

$ make
$ sudo make install

To install the library into a build sandox directory, for packaging:

$ mkdir destdir
$ env DESTDIR=destdir make install

To build and run tests (which depend on theft):

$ make test

To run benchmarks:

$ make bench

Build arguments for libskiparray are provided via pkg-config:

$ pkg-config --libs --static libskiparray
-L/usr/local/lib -lskiparray

General Use

Use skiparray_new to allocate a skiparray collection instance. This must be called with a struct skiparray_config, in order to set the comparison callback (.cmp). The other fields are optional.

Free the skiparray with skiparray_free. This can be given a callback to free any bindings stored in the skiparray, so they don't leak.

Key/value pairs can be stored with skiparray_set, retrieved with skiparray_get, and removed with skiparray_forget. set, and get, and forget have variants that return the actual stored key as well as the value (as a struct skiparray_pair), in case there are distinct key instances which compare equal. skiparray_set_with_pair also takes a flag, replace_key, to determine whether to replace or keep the current key when updating an existing binding.

skiparray_member checks whether a key is present, and skiparray_count returns how many bindings are stored.

skiparray_first and skiparray_last look up the first and last bindings, or report that the skiparray is empty. Both have pop variants, which also remove the first/last binding.

Iterators can be allocated with skiparray_iter_new and freed with skiparray_iter_free. While there are iterators active, any functions that would modify the skiparray structure will return a LOCKED error. Seek to the first/last bindings with skiparray_iter_seek_endpoint, to the first binding >= a particular key with skiparray_iter_seek, and skiparray_iter_next and skiparray_iter_prev will step forward/backward through the collection. skiparray_iter_get will return the key and value for the iterator's current position. Allocating an iterator for an empty collection will return an error.

For further details, see the comments in include/skiparray.h.