silicon-slopes-engineer-workshop / coding_pairs

MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link


A MERN app used to make a "smart" pairs for pair coding.

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User Stories - App

  1. Sign up process for each member creating a profile with basic skills levels, pair coding preferences (work with strong/weak etc.)
  2. Upon arrival to a meet up user is to click tasks desried for the day somehow and is matched with another programmer, handle odd group total to pair one group with, this happens only after all present have clicked in so to speak
  3. Phase 2 Stretch Features, Bugs, Enhancements, UI Polishing, comments/notes, login, security for the API, styling pizazz and custom desgin stuff if desired, Some type of history/tracking maybe - like who teh user paired with and what they did etc.


Repo Rules (pending discussion and/or approval - subject to change - still in progress)

- DETAILED screen-by-screen design layouts with annotations describing all UI/UX components and all data relevant to the screen, back end story board as well
Pattern: Input - process - output
User story - An overview of the intended application and WHY you feel it's valuable to users. Each story is business driven meaning a user benefit
able to illustrate a user story with an example
able to express the acceptance criteria for a user story in terms that will be directly usable as an automated acceptance test
Eliminate unneeded scope - cut out or split up story

Getting Started

Download the repo

git clone


[Skeleton architecture with basic auth]()

// in client folder with npm
npm install
// in api folder with npm
npm install

[Start MongoDB server]()

// in terminal

[Create an .env file with a SECRET on the api level]()

// in api folder with npm

// open file and write
SECRET = yoursecretwordhere;
// then save it

[Seed the database with tasks]()

// cd into api/seeds
node taskSeeds.js

[Start dev servers]()

// in api root folder
npm start

[Get Coding]()

// load in client in the browser on localhost
// in the browser create a new user with the sign up to access all screens including auth protected routes

Contributing to CODEWITHME

CODEWITHME is an MIT-licensed open source project. It's an independent project with ongoing development made possible thanks to the support of the awesome participants of the "silicon-slopes-engineer-workshop" MeetUp.

// use git to create new feature branch with the pattern of task plus a dash with the iteration of that feature
`git checkout -b deploy-framework-1`;

CSS Colors

These are colors for the overall app. Black: #000000 Butter: #FEDC3D Azure: #01ABAA Peach: #FEA680 These are Colors indicating technology categories. Frontend => Orange: #FFA500 Backend => Navy: #000080 Other => Green: #008000


Styled Components

(A short tutorial on styled components)[] (Styled components on NPM)[] (Styled components docs)[]