silk-web-toolkit / silk

Silk compile time web toolkit
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Clojars Project


Silk allows you to build static websites out of re-usable building blocks without the use of server side languages, just use HTML, CSS and Javascript. Sites built with Silk are clean from semantic pollution, no tag soup.

Improve the security of the web, use static wherever possible. How many sites are dynamic beyond a contact form really ? Why generate site content for every visit when you can do it once ?

Getting Started

Please see the documentation page for details on how to install and start using the Silk Web Toolkit.

The latest Silk GitHub release page contains various platform specific binaries and the release notes.

Alternatively you can run the custom installation script which will put silk in ~/bin.

bash <(curl -fksSL


The Silk community is in its infancy and as such is pretty flexible right now. We work around one principle belief... 'quod severis metes which translates as 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. We are all in this to make something useful, and we hope to have fun along the way.

For formatting we prefer two space indentation, this seems to work well for HTML and cross editor/IDE compatibility. For patch/commits/pull requests we prefer small atomic units of work where the intent is clearly expressed and one topic is submitted at a time. As we are on Github feature branches are best for pull requests.

To get started with contributing just come and ask about it on the mailing list and view our issues list.

Silk is a Clojure and ClojureScript project.

Before making a pull request please clone silk-test-site and run your changes against this site. Once spun view the output to help ensure that your changes have not introduced unwanted side effects.

Releases and distribution

See the build instructions in build/ to build for various platforms.


Silk is already used in commercial projects at large multinationals.


Silk is licensed with Apache License v2.0.