silverqx / TinyORM

Modern C++ ORM library
MIT License
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Tom application referenced in TinyORM: Getting Started but not getting installed #19

Closed SchaichAlonso closed 10 months ago

SchaichAlonso commented 11 months ago

The TinyORM: Getting Started page of the documentation is referring a tom binary.

This tom binary can be compiled by passing -DTOM_EXAMPLE=On to cmake before building TinyORM, but after compilation won't be installed along with TinyORM. Further, it will be placed into


of the build path, while the TinyORM DLL resides in


i.e. requires PATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be modified to contain the DLL path.

If TOM_EXAMPLE is set, the tom binary should be installed as part of TinyORM to use a standardized binary path, resolve the DLL issue, and not require a TinyORM build directory in order to progress through the getting started section.

silverqx commented 11 months ago

I'm using these pwsh scripts to fastly export debug, release, ... buildtrees on the system path:

Add-FolderOnPath.ps1 is also part of TinyORM/tools/.

You are right, Tom example isn't installed now, I don't even know if I want to install it, may be yes, but I need to investigate how it interferes with the vcpkg port. Or eg. where to install them on Linux, maybe they should be installed to the /usr/share/tinyorm/examples/? I'm not sure about this. Also I'm not sure if examples should be installed to the /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.

If I think about it, example applications shouldn't be installed into the bin/? Now I have looked eg. to the libtorrent-rasterbar and it also doesn't install example applications. I'm not sure now how examples should be handled and need to look at how other libraries are doing it.

I personally don't use install, I'm always working with buildtrees and for everything else I'm writing pwsh or bash scripts, eg. deployment or adding things on path.

I will think about it.

SchaichAlonso commented 11 months ago

Most projects would install their demo binaries into ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin, and example source code into ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/examples/$projectname if source is installed at all.

When building packages, distrubutors normally configure CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to point to a sandbox environment, build and install the project there, and then generate a package containing the contents of the sandbox after the installation step finished. The path a package is finally extracted into when it is installed is determined by the distribution guidelines to decide

silverqx commented 11 months ago

ok, good to know

silverqx commented 10 months ago

Fixed in #8a9cb9b