silverqx / TinyORM

Modern C++ ORM library
MIT License
210 stars 22 forks source link
cplusplus20 database migrations mysql orm postgresql query-builder seeder sqlite

TinyORM Logo TinyORM

MSVC2019 Qt5.15 MSVC2022 Qt6.7 Linux GCC/Clang Qt5.15 Linux GCC/Clang Qt6.2 MSYS2 UCRT64 GCC/Clang clang-cl MSVC2022 Clang-Tidy/Clazy Qt5.15/6.7 Vcpkg Windows Vcpkg Linux MSVC2022 Qt6.7 TinyDrivers Linux GCC/Clang Qt6.2 TinyDrivers

TinyORM - License MIT
TinyORM v0.37.3 tom v0.9.1 TinyDrivers v0.1.1 TinyMySql v0.1.1

TinyORM is a modern ORM library that makes interacting with a database extremely simple.

The code is written in the modern c++20 way and is heavily tested with 3366 unit and functional tests. Almost all the query builder methods are unit tested. The TinyORM's query builder code and the code which is responsible for obtaining relationships, is tested by functional tests against all supported databases. The code coverage is good enough to guarantee API and behavior compatibility.

Donations ❤️

Bitcoin address  1NiF2cTvYxUj8FTZJnGn1ycN4yisWfo1vJ


Whole library is documented as markdown documents:

Features Summary

The following list summarizes all the TinyDrivers and TinyMySql libraries' features. 🆕

The following list fastly summarizes all the TinyORM features.

Showcase Images

Tom console application

Tom console application

Passed all unit tests 🥳

Passed all unit tests

TinyOrmPlayground single-threaded

Invoked TinyOrmPlayground single-threaded

TinyOrmPlayground multi-threaded

Invoked TinyOrmPlayground multi-threaded