silverstripe /

Website hosting Silverstripe Framework extensions
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
13 stars 16 forks source link


This repository is no longer maintained and has been decommisioned.

SilverStripe Addons

Build Status

This is the codebase for It aggregates SilverStripe packages from Packagist.

Setting up a development environment

The development environment is managed with Vagrant. It will provide both a SilverStripe LAMP stack and an ElasticSearch server. Here's how to set it up.

  1. git clone
  2. cd into the directory to run some initialisation commands: a. composer install b. cp .env.default .env c. touch host.txt
  3. Install vagrant: a. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox b. vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-bindfs vagrant-cachier vagrant-vbguest c. vagrant box add silverstripeltd/dev-ssp
  4. Run vagrant up --provision to start the box
  5. Visit (http://ssaddons.vagrant/)[http://ssaddons.vagrant/] to see your development environment.
  6. Initialise the database: a. Visit dev/build b. Visit dev/tasks/queue/UpdateSilverStripeVersionsTask c. Visit dev/tasks/queue/UpdateAddonsTask
  7. Open queued jobs admin and verify that the tasks have started.


Environment variables


ElasticSearch is used to provide add-on package indexing and searching. The addons site runs ElasticSearch 5.6 on SilverStripe Platform.

The configuration is already set up in app/_config/injector.yml and will use a different index depending on whether the site is on the production server (live) or on UAT or local development environment (test or dev).

You should run the elastic search reindex task to create the mappings after installation.

Once running you can run the UpdateAddonsTask to pull all SilverStripe modules from Packagist into the addons site.

Note: if you are having trouble installing this with Homebrew (or not using MacOS), you can also install ElasticSearch manually.

Queued Jobs

For extended add-on information such as parsed Readme content, a Queued Job is created during the UpdateAddonsTask. Queued Jobs requires a cronjob to run - for more information visit the module's wiki.


Run each of the following tasks in order the first time you set up the site to ensure you have a full database of modules to work with.

  1. vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/UpdateSilverStripeVersionsTask: Updates the available SilverStripe versions.
  2. vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/UpdateAddonsTask: Runs the add-on updater, and queues extended add-on builds.
  3. vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/DeleteRedundantAddonsTask: Deletes addons which haven't been updated from packagist in a specified amount of time, which implies they're no longer available there.
  4. vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/BuildAddonsTask: Manually build addons, downloading screenshots and a README for display through the website and run module ratings. There's no need to set up a cron job for this task if you're using the resque queue.
  5. vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/Heyday-Elastica-ReindexTask: Defines and refreshes the ElasticSearch index (add ?recreate=1 to delete and recreate the index from scratch).

Front-end build tooling

The site uses LESS for compiling CSS.

One way to compile it is through Grunt, which requires you to install NodeJS first.

npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
npm install --save-dev

To compile, run:

grunt less

To watch for file changes, run:

grunt watch

API Endpoints

Addons has 3 endpoints that can be used to gather statistics about SilverStripe addons.

Single Addon Ratings Endpoint

If required, you can access the JSON ratings data for a module:

$ curl http://addons.localhost/api/rating/yourvendor/yourmodule
    "success": true,
    "rating": 79

Add ?detailed to return the details of the metric results:

$ curl http://addons.localhost/api/rating/yourvendor/yourmodule?detailed
    "success": true,
    "rating": 79,
    "metrics": {
        "good_code_coverage": 0,
        "great_code_coverage": 0,
        "has_code_of_conduct_file": 0,
        "has_code_or_src_folder": 5,
        "coding_standards": 10,
        "has_contributing_file": 2,
        "has_editorconfig_file": 5,
        "has_gitattributes_file": 2,
        "has_license": 5,
        "has_readme": 5,
        "travis_passing": 10

Multiple Addon Ratings Endpoint

If fetching ratings for multiple addons is required, it is recommended that you use fetch them in a single request:

$ curl http://addons.localhost/api/ratings?addons=vendorA/moduleA,vendorB/moduleB
    "success": true,
    "ratings": {
        "vendorA/moduleA": 79,
        "vendorB/moduleB": 77

Note that the order of returned modules is not related to the order in the request.

Supported Addons Endpoint

For a list of addons that are marked as supported you can use this endpoint:

$ curl http://addons.localhost/api/supported-addons
    "success": true,
    "addons": [

Whether an addon is supported or not is controlled by a boolean field on the Addon DataObject.