silx-kit / hdf5plugin

Set of compression filters for h5py
62 stars 22 forks source link


.. image:: :target:

hdf5plugin provides HDF5 compression filters <> (namely: Blosc, Blosc2, BitShuffle, BZip2, FciDecomp, LZ4, Sperr, SZ, SZ3, Zfp, ZStd) and makes them usable from h5py <>.

See documentation <>_.


To install, run::

 pip install hdf5plugin [--user]

or, with conda (

conda install -c conda-forge hdf5plugin

To install from source and recompile the HDF5 plugins, run::

 pip install hdf5plugin --no-binary hdf5plugin [--user]

Installing from source can achieve better performances by enabling AVX2 and OpenMP if available.

For more details, see the installation documentation <>_.

How-to use

To use it, just use import hdf5plugin and supported compression filters are available from h5py <>_.

For details, see Usage documentation <>_.


The source code of hdf5plugin itself is licensed under the MIT license <LICENSE>_.

Embedded HDF5 compression filters are licensed under different open-source licenses: see the license documentation <>_.