sim-parables / terraform-azure-service-account

Terraform Service Account Module for Azure Cloud
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Terraform Azure Service Account

A reusable module for creating Service Accoounts with limited privileges for both Development and Production purposes.


## Azure Active Directory (AzureAD) provider authenticated with CLI.
provider "azuread" {
  alias = "tokengen"

## Azure Resource Manager (Azurerm) provider authenticated with CLI.
provider "azurerm" {
  alias = "tokengen"
  features {}

## This module provisions an Azure service account along with associated roles and security groups.
## Parameters:
## - `application_display_name`: The display name of the Azure application.
## - `role_name`: The name of the role for the Azure service account.
## - `security_group_name`: The name of the security group.
## Providers:
## - `azuread.tokengen`: Alias for the Azure AD provider for generating tokens.
## - `azurerm.tokengen`: Alias for the Azure Resource Manager (Azurerm) provider for generating tokens.
module "azure_service_account" {
  source  = ""

  application_display_name = "example-service-account"
  role_name                = "example-service-account-role"
  security_group_name      = "example-group"

  providers = {
    azuread.tokengen = azuread.tokengen
    azurerm.tokengen = azurerm.tokengen


Name Description Type Default Required
application_display_name Service Account AD Application Name string N/A Yes
role_name Service Account Role Name string N/A Yes
security_group_name Security Group Name string N/A Yes
roles_list List of Permitted Service Account Roles list(string) [] No
client_secret_expiration Client Secret Expiration in Hours string 169h No
tags Azure Resource Tag(s) map() {} No
application_template_id Azure Gallery App Template ID string null No


Name Description
client_id Azure Service Principal Client ID
client_secret_key Azure Service Principal Secret ID
client_secret Azure Service Principal Secret
security_group_id Azure AD Superhero Security Group ID