simanglam / Program_Design_II

Final project of program design II in CCU.
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Program Design II

The repo for final project of program design II in CCU.

How to install

You couldn't compile from the source code, because there are some missing art resource. Credit to Pixymoon for creating such beautiful art. If you own Cute RPG World asset pack, you may move the folder under assets and rename it to Cute RPG World. Then, it should be good to compile from the source.

If you don't want to buy it, you may go to releases page and download pre-build jar file.

How to run

Pre-build jar file

Download it, and cd to where the file located. Then run:

java -jar game.jar // add -XstartOnFirstThread if you are using mac

Compile from the source

Make sure you have buy Cute RPG World asset pack and put the folder the right place, have jdk(21 or above) installed, and not afraid of command-line.

Download the source.

git clone

Compile it.

./gradlew desktop:dist // mac or unix-like system

.\gradlew.bat desktop:dist // windows

The Jar file should be found under Path-To-Project/desktop/build/lib/desktop-{version}.jar.





Team member

github 帳號 名字 學號
simanglam 周造麟 412910010
jhenyulin 林振宇 412910027
Poki1246 汪柏昱 412910030
xup6m4c06 林育函 412530036
WillieHuang 黃偉宸 411315011
Brightchao 趙柏榕 411315044