simbo / auto-plug

Auto-require plugin packages by prefix. (for i.e. Gulp, Grunt or other heavy plugin-dependent packages)
MIT License
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Auto-require plugin packages by prefix. (for i.e. Gulp, Grunt or other heavy plugin-dependent packages)

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$ npm install auto-plug


auto-plug will return an object containing the required module exports. If your config data (package.json) contains package names like foo-this and foo-that, they can be autoloaded by

var plugins = require('auto-plug')('foo')`

and then accessed by plugins.this()or plugins.that().

Instead of a simple prefix string you can also set custom options:

var plugins = require('auto-plug')({ prefix: 'foo', lazy: false });

with Gulp

Just set the prefix option to gulp:

// Gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp'),
    gulpPlugins = require('auto-plug')('gulp');
gulp.task('default', function() {
    return gulp
        // ...

with Grunt

Grunt needs it's own require function:

// Gruntfile.js
module.exports = function (grunt) {
    require('auto-plug')({ prefix: 'grunt', require: grunt.loadNpmTasks });
    // do grunt things as usual

with any other thing

… i.e. with Metalsmith:

var metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
    metalsmithPlugins = require('auto-plug')('metalsmith');



If you already loaded your package.json's data, pass it as config option to speed up things:

var pkg = require(process.cwd() + '/package.json'),
    plugins = require('auo-plug')({ prefix: 'foo', config: pkg });


You either have to define a prefix or a pattern and replaceExp. All other options are optional.

Default options

    prefix: undefined,
    pattern: [prefix + '-*', prefix + '.*'],
    replaceExpr: new RegExp('^' + prefix + '([\.-])'),
    scope: ['dependencies', 'devDependencies'],
    module: module.parent, // the module that require()'d auto-plug
    config: findup('package.json', {cwd: path.dirname(this.options.module.filename)}),
    requireFn: this.options.module.require.bind(this.options.module),
    camelize: true,
    lazy: true,
    rename: {}

API Usage

// get your AutoPlug instance
var AutoPlug = require('auto-plug').AutoPlug,
    autoPlug = new AutoPlug('gulp');
// find matching packages, require them and add them to container
// manually add a package to container
// get the container
var g = autoPlug.getContainer();


MIT © 2014 Simon Lepel