simologos / docusaurus-plugin-papersaurus

MIT License
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Plugin for Docusaurus v2 to generate PDF files including table of contents and a cover page.

The plugin is creating a PDF file for each individual document as well as a PDF file for any section and subsection found in sidebar and also one overall PDF file containing all sections.

Optionally the plugin can add a download button to the documentation website which opens a menu with download links for the PDF files of current chapter, current sections and the overall PDF file.


This plugin is ported from existing papersaurus project built for Docusaurus 1.x to use in Docusaurus 2.x.

It is a Docusaurus 2.x plugin and can be triggered automatically after docusaurus builds or on docusaurus command line.

It uses Puppeteer to convert html pages to PDF.

Please note

  1. Puppeteer does not yet support individual headers / footers for the cover page. Therefore this plugin generates a PDF with just uses easy-pdf-merge See this SO question

  2. Puppeteer does not yet support the generation of TOCs. See this feature request and this Chromium bug. Therefore this package generates a PDF, then parses it again to update the page numbers in the TOC. Therefore the parameter footerParser...


yarn add docusaurus-plugin-papersaurus


npm install docusaurus-plugin-papersaurus --save


Then adapt your docusaurus.config.js with the following block:

plugins: [
        keepDebugHtmls: false,
        sidebarNames: ['someSidebar'],
        addDownloadButton: true,
        autoBuildPdfs: true,
        ignoreDocs: ['licenses'],
        author: 'Author name'


Set this parameter to true, if you want the plugin to automatically build the PDF files after each docusaurus build. If this is not set the environment variable BUILD_PDF needs to be set before running docusaurus build.

Default: true


The plugin creates one temporary HTML file per generated PDF file that is then converted using Puppeteer to a PDF file. This HTML file also contains the table of contents including page numbers. After generating the PDF file, these temporary HTML files are deleted. You may want to keep these HTML files to debug your printing CSS file in a browser.

Set this parameter to true to keep the files.

Default: false


Large PDFs might cause a timeout error on puppeteer. Use this parameter to set the puppeteer timeout in ms.

Default: 30000


The plugin is using your sidebars.js file to find the sections and documents. Since the file can contain multiple sidebars, add the name(s) of the sidebar(s) that should be used to generate files. If none is specified all will be used.

Default: []


Specify documentation versions to generate pdfs for. If none is specified pdfs will be generated for all versions.

Default: []


In case the documentation is not versioned, but an external (product) version should be added to the PDFs, inject it using this parameter.

Default: ""


If you are using multiple sidebars your files are located in different subfolders. Enter the names of the subfolders located in your docs folder. In case your main sidebar is directly in the docs directory enter an empty string and the names of the other folders.

Example for different directories for the sidebars:

  subfolders: ['mainDoc', 'otherDoc'],

Example if the main sidebar content is located directly in /doc:

  subfolders: ['', 'otherDoc'],

Default: []


Add the product name for the different sidebars. This title will be included on the cover page as well as in the header.

The following example shows the configuration if you want to display the product title for the second sidebar but not the first:

  sidebarNames: ['someSidebar', 'otherSidebar'],
  productTitles: ['', 'Other'],

This would display the 'Other' name on the cover page and the header for all documentation downloaded from the 'otherSidebar' sidebar but not from the 'someSidebar'

Default: []


Set this parameter to true, if you want the plugin to add a PDF download button to the documentation website.

Default: true


Use this parameter to define the text of the download button. If you prefer to have an icon instead of a text button, you can replace the text with a button in CSS stylesheet.

Default: Download as PDF


If you want to exclude some documents from the section or overall PDF's and want to have it only available as individual chapter PDF, add the id to this parameter.

The parameter type is a string array.

Default: []


Add the style sheets you would use for printing here. Add the same as in stylesheets if you want to use the styles used on the docusaurus web page.

The parameter type is a string array.

Default: []


Set this parameter to true, if you want the plugin to include the styles generated by docusaurus even when you have specified your own stylesheets.

Default: false


Add the scripts you would use for printing here. Add the same as in scripts if you want to use the scripts used on the docusaurus web page.

The parameter type is a string array.

Default: []


String containing HTML code which will be displayed as the header of the cover page.

Default: '...'


String containing HTML code which will be displayed as the footer of the cover page

Default: '...'


Function which returns the Cover Page as HTML. Example:

getPdfCoverPage: (siteConfig, pluginConfig, pageTitle, version) => {
  return `
    <!DOCTYPE html>


        <div style="margin: 2cm;">
          <h1 style="color:#005479;font-size:28px;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold">${siteConfig.projectName}<h1>
          <h2 style="color:#005479;font-size:16px;font-family:sans-serif;">${(pageTitle || siteConfig.tagline)}<h2>

          <dl style="font-family:sans-serif;margin-top:10em;display: flex; flex-flow: row; flex-wrap: wrap; width: 600px; overflow: visible;color:#005479;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;">
            <dt style="margin-top:1em;flex: 0 0 20%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;">Author:</dt>    
            <dd style="margin-top:1em;flex:0 0 80%; margin-left: auto; text-align: left;text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;">Your name</dd>
            <dt style="margin-top:1em;flex: 0 0 20%; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;">Date:</dt>
            <dd style="margin-top:1em;flex:0 0 80%; margin-left: auto; text-align: left;text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;">${new Date().toISOString().substring(0,10)}</dd>



Function which returns the Header of the content pages as HTML. Example:

getPdfPageHeader: (siteConfig, pluginConfig, pageTitle) => {
    return `
      <div style="justify-content: center;align-items: center;height:2.5cm;display:flex;margin: 0 1.5cm;color: #005479;font-size:9px;font-family:sans-serif;width:100%;">
        <div style="flex-grow: 1; width: 50%; text-align:left;margin-left:-3px">
            style='display:block; width:2cm;' 
            src='data:image/svg+xml;base64, <Your Logo as base64>' 
        <span style="flex-grow: 1; width: 50%; text-align:right;">${pageTitle}</span>


Function which returns the Footer of the content pages as HTML. Example:

getPdfPageFooter: (siteConfig, pluginConfig, pageTitle) => {
  return `
    <div style="height:1cm;display:flex;margin: 0 1.5cm;color: #005479;font-size:9px;font-family:sans-serif;width:100%;">
      <span style="flex-grow: 1; width: 33%;">© You</span>
      <span style="flex-grow: 1; width: 33%; text-align:center;">${new Date().toISOString().substring(0,10)}</span>
      <span style="flex-grow: 1; width: 33%; text-align:right;">Page <span class='pageNumber'></span> / <span class='totalPages'></span></span>

Puppeteer uses classes to inject values at print time. See:


String you would like to use as author.

The value may be used in getPdfCoverPage, getPdfPageHeader or getPdfPageFooter with


In order to update the TOC with the correct page numbers, this package has to parse the generated PDF and then manually update the TOC. In order to split the parsed text by pages, a regex expression is used to identify the content footer text. Think of calling jQuery's $.text() on the footer wrapper. The regular expression must match this text.


/© Your Company\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}Page \d* \/ \d*/g


Margins for the cover page.


  top: "10cm",
  right: "0",
  bottom: "3cm",
  left: "0",


Margins for content pages.


  top: "5cm",
  right: "2cm",
  left: "2cm",


In case you have stylesheets or scripts that needs to be included from some other folder than the output folder specify them here.

Example: useExtraPaths: [{serverPath: "/", localPath: ".."}]

Default: []


A list of css selectors that can be used to remove elements of the html before rendering it to pdf.

Example: ignoreCssSelectors: [".breadcrumbs", ".theme-doc-version-badge"]

Default: []


This plugin requires jQuery to insert a download button if addDownloadButton is set to true. Leave empty in case you provide jQuery some other way.



Override this function to customize the file name of the generated pdfs. By default the names are based on the page ids.


getPdfFileName: (siteConfig, pluginConfig, pageTitle, pageId, parentTitles, parentIds, version, versionPath) => {
  let verString = version;
  if (verString == "current" || verString == "next") {
    verString = versionPath;
  verString = verString.replace(".", "_");
  if (parentIds.length == 0) {
    return "mydoc-" + verString;
  let pdfFilename = he.decode(pageId);
  if (parentIds.length > 1) {
    pdfFilename = parentIds.slice(1).filter(id => id != "").join('-') + '-' + pdfFilename;
  return "mydoc-" + verString + pdfFilename;
