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React.js Conference Videos.

List of react conference videos. 637 videos from 34 Conferences.

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React Loop 2019

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
Composing Behavior in React or Why React Hooks are Awesome Michael Jackson 31:55
An Introduction to React Testing Library Elizabeth Funk 22:27
One Codebase to Rule Them All - Using React Native Everywhere Jesse Weigel 29:45
Progressive React Houssein Djirdeh 23:42
TypeScript: Seeing Past the Hype Matthew Gerstman 26:30
A React Developer’s Guide to Tech Interviews Adrianna Valdivia 15:42
We'll do it live: Underhanded Debugging Tactics Saimon Sharif 26:50
React 360: Creating 3D User Experiences with React Taelur Alexis 13:52
State Management with React Hooks Eric Bishard 26:56
Moving to React at CodePen Cassidy Williams 22:44
React to Web Workers Tyler Clark 28:35
Why React Hooks? Tyler McGinnis 17:41

ReactNext 2019

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
I’m With Web Components and Web Components Are With Me Gil Fink 20:27
State Management in a World of Hooks Adam Klein and Maayan Glikser 22:10
Build React Apps Fast Using Storybook, DDD, and Atomic Design Alon Valadji 24:24
Handle All Async Events in Redux-Sagas André Kovac 31:07
Cross-Platform React – from Web to Mobile Anna Doubková 27:50
The Anatomy of a Click Benjamin Gruenbaum 20:28
How to use Functional Programming in your React app Netta Bondy and Dafna Rosenblum 27:32
React Native - Under the Bridge Chen Feldman 33:13
Formal Forms with State Machines David Khourshid 31:47
Web Delivery Experience for React Native Elad Bezalel and Elad Aviv 10:21
Ready for Concurrent Mode? Flarnie Marchan 25:40
Modern React - The Essentials Liad Yosef 30:40
Reconciliation: The Root of Performant Applications Jesse Kipp 20:24
Micro-frontends: Is it a Silver Bullet? Liron Cohen 14:24
Build an AI-Driven Chatbot Sebastian Witalec 31:58
Technical SEO 101 for React Developers Martin Splitt 28:19
A Deep Dive into React-Redux Mark Erikson 31:28
Managing Animations (Sanely) in (Insanely) Complex Apps Opher Vishnia 35:07

React Conf Armenia 2019

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
An SVG’s Tale Elizabet Oliveira 23:04
Server-side Rendering with ReactJS: Win or Lose Lilit Tadevosyan 24:55
Monorepo: React Web & React Native Eugene Zharkov 33:31
Dynamic Styling Systems with React Khachatur Virabyan 29:50
A Reasonable Web Leandro Ostera 46:27
Let’s manage our local state with GraphQL Sara Vieira 27:26
Testing React Ecosystem: Do's and Don'ts Taguhi Asatryan 20:58
Handling Large-Scale State-Management with Context and Hooks Roy Derks 34:31
React to the Need for Speed Cristian Oliveira da Rosa 29:21
Turning an Application UI into an API Narendra Shetty 27:33
Production Ready React with GatsbyJS Jesse Martin 29:28
From Design Systems to Component Libraries Gagik Arustamyan 24:37
Photorealistic 3Dgraphics on the Web with ReactJS, WebGL and Unity3D Denis Radin 31:29
Let's Make a Photo-booth in React! Radoslaw Malecki 22:22
Creating a Design System that People Actually Use Rebecca Hill 29:14
Testing React in a Right Way Varik Matevosyan 18:05
Q&A Session Dan Abramov and Sara Vieira 54:02

React Europe 2019

website - playlist: Day 1 - playlist: Day 2

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
The State of React Jared Palmer 26:12
Saving the Web, 16ms at a Time Joshua Comeau 25:09
React-spring: on animations and hooks Alec Larson 30:35
Designing a Rich Content Editor for 1 Third of the Web Ella van Durpe 20:10
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the new ReasonReact Nik Graf 29:59
Totally Native React with Revery Bryan Phelps 33:45
Move fast with confidence Paul Armstrong 29:28
Skip Julien Vergalet 31:25
Coders are the new Rock Stars Dan Stein 31:20
Magic Move transitions in React-native Hein Rutjes 25:03
Combining GraphQL + mobx-state-tree Michel Weststrate 29:02

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
FBT: An i18n Framework for Complex Grammar & UI John Watson 23:57
A year of CodeSandbox, tech edition Ives van Hoorne 23:54
Scheduling is the Future of React Brandon Dail 25:20
Security and Data in React Richard Threlkeld 29:13
Build forms with GraphQL Charly Poly 27:05
The Future of the Web Lee Byron 29:12
Universal App Development Evan Bacon 21:13
Accessibility 360 - Web to Mobile Ankita Kulkarni 27:03
Yarn 2 - Reinventing package management Maël Nison 22:09
What's coming to Next.js 9 Tim Neutkens 24:04
Q&A Session n/a 36:13

website - playlist: Day 1
Title/Link Presenter Length
Opening Janet Todorova 3:59
The evolution of React APIs Mihail Mikov 41:24
An SVG’s Tale Elizabet Oliveira 31:20
Conversational sign up with chatbot-like experience with React and Redux Ilona Demidenko 29:20
Write better React with ReasonML David Kopal 50:47
How not to hate your life when dealing with forms Radoslav Stankov 46:17
Serverless: a backend thing that gives superpowers to frontend developers Slobodan Stojanovic 51:14
Building resilient frontend architecture Monica Lent 43:59
Architecting React plugins Martin Chaov 41:29
Nadcast Panel and Closing n/a 36:53

ReactJS Girls Conference

website - playlist: Day 1
Title/Link Presenter Length
Building a Design System with React Emma Wedekind 17:27
The How and Why of Flexible React Jenn Creighton 26:48
Storybook: A React Native Love Story Erin Fox 13:33
How to Automate Your React Workflow Monica Powell 18:09
Empathy Driven Development: A Live Accessibility Audit with React JS Marcy Sutton 20:45
Life is Hard and So is Learning GraphQL Carolyn Stransky 20:29
Architecture your Culture like you Architecture your Code Kate Beard 20:12
Functional Programming with ReactJS Marta Fernandes 15:58
React Hooks: A Hype Driven Development in React Manjula Dube 16:47

React Finland 2019

website - playlist: Day 1
Title/Link Presenter Length
Opening ceremonies n/a 13:42
MobX The Journey Michel Weststrate 27:58
Append only development with React Luca Matteis 26:04
Mind Reading with Adaptive and Intelligent UIs in React David Khourshid 25:01
Abstract component modeling in React Farzad Yz 12:35
A Common Design Language Let Designers and Developers talk to each other Andrey Okonetchnikov 20:57
A practical guide to building your design system infrastructure Varya Stepanova 27:18
CICD for React Native Juha Linnanen 27:05
Intersection of Automation and Exploratory Testing Maaret Pyhäjärvi 23:10
12 Tips For More Accessible React Apps Manuel Matuzović 23:10
All aboard the type train Kadi Kraman 16:22
Drawing the line between 3rd party and handcrafted components Glenn Reyes 11:34
Gatsby and Themes The Future of Gatsby Dustin Schau 20:00
Delightful UI animations by understanding the brain Bruno Lourenço 25:43
Unpopular Opinions Nik Graf 27:49
Building a Community Around Ignite Jamon Holmgren 31:51
The Untouchable Web Rick Hanlon 17:44
React Standard Library Ville Immonen 21:55
Custom CSS is the path to inconsistent UI Artem Sapegin 18:07
Creating layouts that last Artem Zakharchenko 24:28
Scalable Design Systems with TypeScript Tejas Kumar 34:57
Codecrumbs in React Bohdan Liashenko 12:14
React Union Write once, plug anywhere Tomáš Konrády 30:28
Releasing a library written in TypeScript on NPM Christoffer Niska 9:56
Practical Performance for React Native Anna Doubková 23:16
WebAssembly The Next Big Platform Sven Sauleau 13:52
Building resilient frontend architecture Monica Lent 33:08
Intuitive Tooling Carolyn Stransky 25:15
Closing ceremonies n/a 18:32

React Amsterdam 2019

website - playlist: General Track - playlist: React Native Track

General Track

Title/Link Presenter Length
Requisite React Kent C Dodds
Refactoring React Siddharth Kshetrapal
A Common Design Language Andrey Okonetchnikov
Designing with React Mark Dalgleish
Next for Next.js Tim Neutkens
Lightning fast SSR React Håkon Gullord Krogh
Speeding up React SSR David Mark Clements
Demystifying server-rendered React Fernando Porazzi
Tech Regrets at Spectrum Max Stoiber
Scaling Application with Microfrontends Max Gallo
An SVG's Tale Elizabet Oliveira
The GraphQL Devleoper Experience Peggy Rayzis
Ashi Krishnan Painting pixels with WebGL with Hooks

React Native Track

Title/Link Presenter Length
Building React Native Parashuram N
Practical Performance for React (Native) Anna Doubková
Sharing Code Between React and React Native: What Not to Share Ben Ellerby
Building for a Bigger World Than Mobile Wouter van den Broek
Advice Lounge Panel Discussion n/a
Make Your React Native Apps Accessible Ankita Kulkarni
Native Web Apps: React and WebAssembly to Rewrite Native Apps Florian Rival
Full-stack React Native in the Era of Serverless Computing Nader Dabit
Demystifying Complex Animations Creation Process in React Native Vladimir Novick
React Native App Rollout - an Alternative Approach Adam Terlson

App.js Conf 2019

website - playlist: Day 1

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Opening Brent Vatne
The State of the Expo Charlie Cheever
Expo for web Evan Bacon
Make your React Native apps accessible Ankita Kulkarni
Can it be done in React Native William Candillon
Building Expo apps without writing code with Drafbit Peter Piekarczyk
Just use platforms Krzysztof Magiera
How to publish a React Native component library Satyajit Sahoo
A Custom Build System Quinlan Jung
CSS Gradients in React Native Catalin Miron
React Native newcomers built first app – app case study Michał Czernek & Tomasz Sochacki
Automated CI/CD with Expo at Cameo Tom von Geldern
Upgrading Expo — The What, The How & The Why Stanisław Chmiela
React Native fundamentals for brownfield iOS apps Karan Thakkar
Some breaking news from React Native world Tomasz Sapeta
What's new in Expo CLI Ville Immonen
React Native Deployments with MS App Center Betty Pierce
Using React Native to ship fast and navigate performance improvements Josh Hargreaves
Reactive Data on the Full Stack Eric Vicenti
Reasonable React Native Apps Cem Turan
Closing word Brent Vatne, Charlie Cheever, Krzysztof Magiera

Reactathon 2019

website - playlist: Day 2 - playlist: Lightning Talks

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote Part 1: The State of the React Ecosystem Ben Ilegbodu
Keynote Part 2: The State of Redux Mark Erikson
Reactive Data for the Full Stack Eric Vicenti
Building Design Systems in React Emily Plummer
Transform for Good -- Using Babel Macros Jesse Tomchak
Type-safe forms in React Zach Gotsch
Everything I Know About React I Learned from Twitter Jenn Creighton
We're gunna program like it's 1999 Lee Byron live Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski

Lightning Talks

Title/Link Presenter Length
Renderless components, Now with 9000% more hooks Ken Wheeler
A11Y & Accessibility Jen Luker
10 Things About WebAssembly You Need To Know Jay Phelps
Move over Electron - Native-compiled React for the Desktop with ReasonML Jared Forsyth
Getting Closure on Hooks Shawn Swyx Wang
Redux-style backends with GraphQL & Serverless Functions Tanmai Gopal


React Day Berlin 2018

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
The New Hotness: An Exploration of Reacts Exciting New Features Ken Wheeler 37:04
Powering Code Reuse with Context and Render Props Forbes Lindsay 21:34
Feature Driven Architecture Oleg Isonen 29:53
Secrets to a Successful Design System Monica Lent 25:09
Tip Top Testing in JavaScript Jack Franklin 26:12
Evolution of UI/UX in blockchain Max Kordek 5:58
Milliseconds Matter Bård Farstad 05:19
Onboarding Mobile Developers to the Strange World of JS and React Denis Washington 06:08
3D Components in React Application Denys Periel 06:46
GitNation Open Source Stage n/a 23:56
Navigating the Hype-Driven Frontend Development World Without Going Insane Kitze 33:34
Structure Your App's Story With Sagas and Selectors Rebecca Hill 28:46
The Lonely and Dark Road to Styling in React Sara Vieira 28:51
Designing React Native Modules For Every Platform Vincent Riemer 24:51
Abstracting the Business Away with React+Redux Elianne Schutze 23:52

ReactNext 2018

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
React Responsively, Render Responsibly Yoav Niran 16:51
MonoRepos for the Masses Marcel Cutts 30:37
Breaking Down Your Web App Patrick Hund 24:39
Lessons Learned Reading the Source-Code of 18 React Libraries Yonatan Mevorach 25:20
Functional Programming Fundamentals Matthew Gerstman 30:02
Immer, Immutability and the Wonderful World of Proxies Michel Weststrate 30:01
Building a Maintainable UI with Storybook Norbert de Langen 27:06
Advanced Patterns Robert Herbst 30:02
(Don't) Blame ot on React Native Ofir Dagan 13:42
Wiring TypeScript into React Gil Fink 14:53
Applying Microservices Design Patterns to Scale React App Development Itay Maoz 14:49
Migrating from Angular to React Maayan Glikser 31:33
State of the React Ecosystem Ben Ilegbodu 33:33
How to Write Bad Code in Redux Adam Klein 27:05
Building React Native Parashuram N 28:48
Motion in React Kaylie Kwon 16:41

React Conf 2018

website - playlist

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
React Today and Tomorrow Sophie Alpert and Dan Abramov 58:20
90% Cleaner React Ryan Florence 33:37
Building Todo The Game in a Cloud Only Dev Environment Christina Holland 34:58
The Path to a Declaratively Animated Future Matt Perry 24:41
Lightning Talk - What's new in Create React App Joe Haddard 4:16
Lightning Talk - Components as Units of Work Bryce Kallow 4:54
Lightning Talk - 5 Animations you Should Know and Use Marcos Martins 5:08
Lightning Talk - Render Props, PureComponent and Reactivity Karl Dray 5:33
Lightning Talk - Better living through Git Hooks Leta Keane 5:29
GraphQl without GraphQL Conor Hastings 27:49
Playing with Polyhedra Creating Beauty from Obsession Nat Alison 26:38
Cross Platform AR and VR apps using React Native Pulkit Kakkar 26:16
Beyond Web Apps React, Javascript and WebAssembly Florian Rival 30:01
React for Social Change Rodrigo Quezada 18:58

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Concurrent Rendering in React Andrew Clark and Brian Vaughn 42:13
Moving to Suspense Jared Palmer 30:50
SVG Illustrations as React Components Elizabet Oliveira 20:40
The Missing Abstraction of Charting Chris Trevino 28:03
Elsa AI conversational Agent Damini Satya Kammakoma 30:27
Lightning Talk - Context in React Sophie Shoemaker 5:40
Lightning Talk - Building a Better Country through Tech Manuela Castrillon 4:52
Lightning Talk - An Effective Code Review Donavon West 5:07
Lightning Talk - Syncing Component State Across Tabs with Service Workers Tyler Clarke 5:26
Block the Main Thread James Long 31:16
React Native's New Arhictecture Parashuram N 31:16
Let React Speak your Language Tomáš Ehrlich 29:30
Building a Diverse and Inclusive Community Eyitayo Alimi 17:04
React for Designers with FramerX Thomas Aylott 28:41

React Boston 2018

website - playlist: Day 1 & 2

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
ReasonML (Opening Keynote) Ken Wheeler 50:18
React & GraphQL – Bringing Simplicity to Client Side Development Chris Toomey 30:11
Horror Stories From Hacking the DOM Into a Native Platform Vincent Riemer 36:10
From Sketch to Code – Designing a Component Kit Samantha Bretous 28:26
The State of Redux Mark Erikson 25:28
Lightning Talks: Day 1 n/a 33:49
The Art of Humanizing Pull Requests Ankita Kulkarni: 25:26
Custom CSS is the Path to Inconsistent UI Artem Sapegin 23:23
Streaming React for Faster UIs Tejas Kumar 30:51
Building AR Apps with React Native Vladimir Novick 39:03

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
The Case for Whimsy Joshua Comeau 42:22
Beyond Web-Apps – React, JavaScript to Port Legacy Native Apps Florian Rival 32:52
Progressive React Houssein Djirdeh 25:59
Introducing Undux – Simple Typesafe State Management for React Boris Cherny 21:24
Lightning Talks: Day 2 n/a 47:46
Deterministic Mocking with GraphQL and Apollo Hillary Bauer and Mark Faga 38:05
Large Scale Migrations – Using Recast and jscodeshift to Scale Francois Ward: 28:41
A Romance of Many Dimensions Matt Hamil 31:49

Reactathon 2018

website - playlist: Day 1 - playlist: Day 2

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Welcome to Reactathon Brian Douglas 6:16
Building a self-documenting component library for your company David Wells 36:33
React, Powered by WebAssembly Jay Phelps 36:33
Sharing code between React and React Native Erica Cooksey 18:14
The future of backend development: Serverless GraphQL Johannes Schickling 35:29
Vertical Redux Archictecture Berkeley Martinez 24:52
Motion in Javascript Kaylie Kown 23:01
Zero Config GraphQL State Management Peggy Rayzis 23:11
Serverless-Side Rendering with AWS and Parcel.js Brian Leroux 15:31
Advanced Web Performance Optimizations Kyle Mathews 22:02
GraphQL Outside the Box Tyler Martinez 13:48
Connecting a REact Front=end to an Ethereium Smart Contract Zubair Ahmed 14:50

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Day 2 Keynote Parashuram Narasimhan 27:00
Charts fron Scratch in React Christina Holland 29:22
A Postgres-backed GraphQL BAAS Tanmai Gopal 15:28
Type-safe React with ReasonML Jared Forsyth 21:17
React off the Grid! Sophia Shoemaker 21:08
Jest as a Platform Rogelio Guzman 23:47
Incremental Migration to GraphQL Sashko Stubailo 24:08
How to Hire Great Developers Suhayl Rouag 18:50
React-Based Content Management with Netlify CMS & Gatsby Matt Biilmann 27:35
Front End Happy Hour Closing Panel Reactathon 2018 32:07

React Rally 2018

website - playlist

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Data Visualizations Shirley Wu 34:14
The "Something" statements Sunil Pai 21:54
Why React is not Reactive Shawn Swyx Wang 27:04
React(ing) in a crisis Carrie Maxwell 22:35
Algebraic effects, Fibers, Coroutines Oh my! Brandon Dail 29:43
The Life Cycle Methods And The Wolf - A Musicological Romp Ryan Moore 29:00
Chaos Monkeys in Your Browser What Chaos Engineering Means For the Front End Brian Holt 26:38
Explorable Explanations with React Joshua Comeau 24:59
AI for Everybody Feather 24:38
One Hundred Years of JavaScript Justine Falcone 24:10

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
ReasonML is Serious Business Ken Wheeler 30:00
Swipe Left, Uncaught TypeError: Learning to Love Type Systems Lauren Tan 29:42
Help me WebAssembly, you're my only hope! Jay Phelps 21:05
Hot Garbage Clean Code is Dead Michael Chan 33:48
React Off the Grid Sophia Shoemaker 17:03
Through the Open Source Looking Glass Henry Zhu 22:12
Translating React Jennifer Wong 25:36
Simply React Kent C Dodds 25:19
Everything You Need to Know About GraphQL in 3 Components Eve Porcello 26:21
Route Recalculating Ryan Florence 42:39

Chain React 2018

website - playlist: Day 1 & 2

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote: Simply React Kent C. Dodds 21:19
All Together Now TC Davis 23:14
Debugging and Beyond with Reactotron Darin Wilson 27:43
From Sketch to Code: Designing a Component Kit Samantha Bretous 23:34
Detox: A year in. Building it, Testing with it Rotem Mizrachi-Meidan 30:05
Learning React Native as a Junior Engineer Erin Fox 10:42
Machine Learning and React Native Ray Deck 10:23
Customize Your Boilerplate to Speed Up Development with Ignite Adrien Thiery 11:21
React Native at Eaze: Marijuana Delivered Erica Cooksey 10:27
How TypeScript Ruined My Life (In a Good Way) Andy Mockler 12:06
Building AR Apps with React Native Vladimir Novick 37:09
Be a React Native A11y Jen Luker 26:20
Organizing Code for Cross-Platform Web and Mobile Development Robert Scarano 29:20

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
How Reactive Programming Makes Developer Lives Easier Tracy Lee 27:44
The State of React Native Ram N 27:32
GraphQL State Management for React Native Peggy Rayzis 22:50
Strategies For Using React Native In A Brownfield App Harry Tormey 30:08
WebXR: A New Dimension For The Web Michaela Lehr 33:10
Panel n/a 1:02:38
ReasonML and You - A Fireside Chat with Mike Mike Grabowski 33:13
Using SVG in React Native Ori Harel 20:52
Good Enough Still Isn't Good Enough Jani Eväkallio 31:46

ReactEurope 2018

website - playlist: Day 1 - playlist: Day 2

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Bringing React Native Back to its Root Vincent Reimer 27:17
Do the Right (to Left) Thing: Directional Content in React Maja Wichrowska 29:04
A Journey Through React Apollo Peggy Rayzis 27:17
Replicated Redux Jim Purbrick 30:56
The fun of runtime type systems (Or: "Funtime type systems") Michel Weststrate 29:49
Up and Running with Universal Components Samantha Bretous and Kurtis Kemple 26:58
Keynote Ken Wheeler 27:25
The Case for Whimsy Joshua Comeau 29:37
Subtyping is Overrated Caleb Meredith 29:37
Declarative future of gestures and animations in React Native Krzysztof Magiera 27:26

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Stop writing code Sunil Pai 18:53
ReasonReact and local state Cristiano Calcagno 25:36
Full Stack React Navigation Eric Vicenti 23:55
A year of CodeSandbox Ives van Hoorne 26:33
Beyond React Devin Abbott 26:48
Using lit APIs to make dope games with Expo Evan Bacon 25:46
Immutable Application Architecture Lee Byron 31:11
SVGR or how a simple problem became a 2K stars library Greg Bergé 21:08
Type-safe React Native with ReasonML Jared Forsyth 22:38
ReactEurope 2018 Q&A Panel N/A 43:39
WebAssembly becoming the biggest platform Sven Sauleau 14:28

React Amsterdam 2018

website - playlist: General and React Native Track

General Track

Title/Link Presenter Length
Reactive Programming Demystified: Drink the Kool-Aid Tracy Lee 27:28
setState Machine Michele Bertoli 27:38
There and back again: grokking state and data Michel Weststrate 31:53
D3 and React, Together Shirley Wu 31:40
Structure Your App's Story With Sagas and Selectors Rebecca Hill 10:27
How to “Reactify” Your Existing UI Components Olga Petrova 8:14
Inclusive React: A Survival Guide Almero Steyn 10:36
React State Management In a GraphQL Era Kristijan Ristovski 24:01
GraphQL at scale with AWS Richard Threlkeld 28:21
Rethinking With React 16 Manjula Dube 29:52
Mixed Mode React Ken Wheeler 26:40

React Native Track

Title/Link Presenter Length
Cross-Language React Leland Richardson 34:29
React Navigation Brent Vatne 26:14
Network Layer in React Native Alexey Kureev 18:33
React Native VR + AR Made Simple Nadir Dabit 34:22
Making Programming for People Tereza Sokol 25:26
Imperative is the new black Mike Grabowski 29:25
Push Notifications with React Native Narendra Shetty 31:14
Continuous Workflow for a Large React Native App: Mobile At Wix Rotem Mizrachi-Meidan and Shalom Yerushalmy 23:51
Controlling Smart Homes With React Native Vladimir Novick 32:56

ReactFest 2018

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
GraphQL Servers in the Browser David Gomes 16:00
Suspense! Dan Abramov 31:33
React + i18n - You Have No Excuse! Eli Schutze 20:01
Garbage Collection in Modern Web Applications Jan Monschke 11:11
State Management in a GraphQL Era Kitze 19:40
Wait, What happens When My React Native Application Starts? Nicolas Couvrat 11:38
How to draw an Owl Marcel Cutts 18:54
Zero Config GraphQL State Management Peggy Rayzis 23:11
The Dark and Lonely Road to Styling in React Sara Veira 23:11
Journey Through VR and AR with React Thomas Lakomy 20:31
An introduction to Redux Saga: Side Effects Made Easier Sophie Koonin 10:58
Productive React Development Stephanie Siaw 14:48
Taming the Beast How to Tame REact and GraphQL Susanna Wong 14:48
ReactFest 2018 Experience ReactFest 1:41
We Need to Talk About our Frontend Workflow Siddharth Khestrapal 20:00


ReactiveConf 2017

website - playlist: Day 1 - playlist: Day 2
Title/Link Presenter Length

ReactNext 2017

website - playlist: Hall A - playlist: Hall B

Hall A

Title/Link Presenter Length
What's New in React? Ari Lerner 23:58
Level Up Your React With TypeScript Doron Zavelevsky 30:16
Webpack – The React Parts Juho Vepsäläinen 30:08
Universal React Apps Using Next.js Sia Karamalegos 22:22
Practical Advanced Redux Boris Dinkevich 25:25
React, But For Data Michel Weststrate 26:45
Relay Modern or Apollo? Gerard Sans 30:10
GatsbyJS — How to Create The Fastest Sites In The World Kyle Mathews 24:52
Handling Side Effects in Redux With Redux-Saga Katarzyna Jastrzębska 19:28

Hall B

Title/Link Presenter Length
Things You Didn't Know You Can Do With React Native Vladimir Novick 31:50
Get That CSS Out Of My JavaScript Brian Hough 26:09
Critical ReasonML'ing Brandon Dail 30:15
React on Steroids with ClojureScript Yehonathan Sharvit 31:55
Dealing with Data Offline in Web Apps Jai Santhosh 20:36
Write Once, Render Anywhere Peggy Rayzis 24:57
D3 and React, Together Shirley Wu 25:32
Bridges to React Native Florian Rival 26:50
Detox — Graybox E2E Tests Library for React Native Rotem Mizrachi-Meidan 23:43
WebVR and React Shay Keinan 22:53

React Rally 2017

website - playlist

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
UNPKG: The CDN for everything on npm Michael Jackson 31:46
D3 & React Shirley Wu 26:57
A hand wave of React for all your Internet of Thangs Devon Lindsey 28:09
Back to React: The Story of Two Apps Michael Chan 28:08
What WebAssembly means for React Lin Clark 32:21
Layperson's guide to React Fiber Ben Ilegbodu 31:59
Twitter Lite, React Native, and Progressive Web Apps Nicolas Gallagher 27:51
React-ing htmlFor=empathy Jana Beck 30:52
Redux + ServiceWorker = Offline React Zack Argyle 21:24
Title/Link Presenter Length
ReacTex: using React Native and Neural Networks to recognize handwritten equations Bonnie Milian 18:58

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
We All Started Somewhere Preethi Kasireddy 24:30
Convergent Evolution Evan Czaplicki 27:42
So how does Babel even work? Henry Zhu 21:36
Scaling My First Enterprise React App! Jennifer Van 21:15
Everything is a plugin!! Mastering webpack from the inside out Sean Larkin 18:02
GraphQL IRL Cameron Matheson 18:54
Demystifying setState() Justice Mba 25:40
Infinitely Better UIs with Finite Automata David Khourshid 25:33
Start a conversation between browser windows Cara Kuei 20:02
I want you to contribute to open source Max Stoiber 19:32

Chain React 2017

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
The Dark Art of Bundlers Mike Grabowski 28:00
PayPal Checkout with React Native Poornima Venkatakrishnan 24:21
React Native + ES.Next Ben Ilegbodu 38:20
JavaScript Futurism Nader Dabit 32:31
Mobile Payments with React Native Naoufal Kadhom 17:33
Gestures Here. Gestures There. Gestures Everywhere! Kyle Poole & Thomas Bruketta 33:44
Rewriting a Large Hybrid App with React Native Javier Cuevas 30:29
Why we Need an App Browser Ken Wheeler 23:31
Breaking Down Bridging in React Native Peggy Rayzis 23:02
The Evolution of API Design Eric Baer 30:15
React Native: Zero to DevOps Ram Narasimhan 30:30
React as a Platform Leland Richardson 29:00
Building Serverless Backends with AWS Lambda for React Native Apps Kevin Old 30:07
When to go Native Over Javascript Harry Tormey 24:02
Building stellar user experiences with React Native Alex Kotliarskyi 23:42
From Idea to App Store: A Guide to Shipping React Native Apps Chris Ball 33:53
React Native Sandpaper Brent Vatne 35:40
React Native on the Apple TV Platform Doug Lowder 14:21
React Native Panel With Various Speakers n/a 42:47
Realtime Event Processing, Streaming and Subscription for React Native using Cloud Services Richard Threlkeld 29:22

ReactEurope 2017

website - playlist: Day 1 - playlist: Day 2

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote Andrew Clark 25:42
What I Learned Benchmarking React Dominic Gannaway 16:58
Building High-Quality JavaScript Tools Christoph Pojer 24:38
La nouvelle vague Sunil Pai 28:02
Worse is Better: The Upside of JavaScript Fatigue Kevin Lacker 22:56
What WebAssembly means for React Lin Clark 33:07
Imperfection Cheng Lou 30:18
Practical Confidence: Using Types to Help Your Computer Help You Adam Perry 28:24
Maximally Modular Apps with React Navigation Eric Vicenti 21:38
How Streaming Can Supercharge React Sasha Aickin 30:21

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Next generation state management Michel Weststrate 24:47
Composition Nik Graf 32:57
The making of Twitter Lite Nicolas Gallagher 22:10
The runtimes of React VR and use at Oculus Mike Armstrong 28:49
Functional && Reactive Preethi Kasireddy 31:16
Relay Modern Lee Byron 27:32
React as a Platform: A path towards a truly cross-platform UI Leland Richardson 27:18
Animating the Virtual DOM Sarah Drasner 31:06
A Novel Approach to Declarative Animations in React Native Joel Arvidsson 22:18
Putting the fun in functional with Elm Tereza Sokol 14:45
Integrating React Native with Native Infrastructure Mehdi Mulani 13:02
Q&A Panel with Core team and speakers n/a undefined

React Amsterdam 2017

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
Testing & React Native: Lessons from the Battlefield Aaron Greenwald 29:57
Styling React/ReactNative Applications Max Stoiber 33:59
Universal React Mike Grabowski 28:46
Complexity: Divide and Conquer! Michel Weststrate 27:03
ow Pinterest Switched Their Template Rendering Engine to React Jessica Chan 38:48
Asynchronous & Offline Magic Tricks on React Native Woody Rousseau 27:31
Flow Typing a React Codebase Forbes Lindesay 30:06
A Real-World GraphQL Application in Production Stefano Masini 28:06
Introduction to ReactVR Nik Graf 31:27
Make Linting Great Again Andrey Okonetchnikov 7:13
Navigating React Native Navigation Kurtis Kemple 31:58
Demystifying GraphQL Clients Cris Biscardi 25:01
Fun With Fiber Custom Renderers Ken Wheeler 27:14
Sequencing Audio Using React and the Web Audio API Vincent Riemer & Bruce Lane 31:13
Generating your client validation rules Ronald van der Kooy 5:55
Building Applications for the Studio in the Cloud at Netflix Feather Knee 5:54
Pushing Bugs to Prod Responsibly with React and Redux Alex Castillo 31:51
Test Like It's 2017 Michele Bertoli 29:27
Coding Mobile with the Pros Gant Laborde 22:58
Web Like Release Agility for React Native Apps Parashuram N 40:16
React Native Touch & Gesture Krzysztof Magiera 27:43
Advanced SSR Caching with React Robert Haritonov 8:17
Performance Limitations of React Native and How to Overcome Them Tal Kol 28:58

React London 2017

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
The road to styled-components: CSS in component-based systems Max Stoiber 31:01
Realtime Webpack - Pushing on-demand bundling to the limits Oliver Woodings 15:40
What's in a language? Cheng Lou 36:06
Logux, a new approach to client-server communication Andrey Sitnik 34:02
Javascript code formatting Christopher Chedeau 50:07
Snapshot testing Anna Doubkova 13:32
A tiny Fiber renderer Dustan Kasten 41:40
Next.js in production Jasdeep Lalli 16:23
Weapons grade React Ken Wheeler 31:37
Offline for the greater good Jani Eväkallio 17:36
React London 2017 panel discussion Dan Abramov, Ben Alpert, Lee Bryon, Christopher Chadeau 1:06:06

React Conf 2017

website - playlist

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote Part 1 Tom Occhino 6:36
Incrementally Adopting React Native at Facebook - Keynote Part 2 Jing Chen 14:13
React Performance End to End (React Fiber) - Keynote Part 3 Sebastian Markbåge 18:51
React Fiber, Create React App, and React Community - Keynote Part 4 Tom Occhino 6:09
A Cartoon Intro to Fiber Lin Clark 31:47
Next.js: Universal React Made Easy and Simple Guillermo Rauch 34:40
React + ES next = ♥ Ben Ilegbodu 35:52
MobX vs Redux: Comparing the Opposing Paradigms Preethi Kasireddy 25:17
Type Systems Will Make You a Better JavaScript Developer Jared Forsyth 22:04
Moving Fast with Nuclide and Flow Andres Suarez 5:40
AWS Lambda + AWS Gateway + React = AWEsome Sophia Shoemaker 6:02
React to Code Merrick Christensen 5:15
The Road to Styled Components Max Stoiber 4:03
Building Applications for Studio in Cloud at Netflix Feather Knee 4:16
React Native in the "Brown Field" Leland Richardson 27:56
Beyond Animations User Interactions @ 60 FPS in React Native Tal Kol 26:38
You Don't Need a Fancy Framework to Use GraphQL w/ React Samer Buna 5:25
Cross Platform Data Viz with React + React Native Peggy Rayzis 5:49
Using React for Anything but Website Ken Wheeler 5:51
React Everything, Render Everywhere Dustan Kasten 4:49
Create React Native App: 5 min. to "Hello, World!" Adam Perry 5:46

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Goodbye Flatland! An Introduction to ReactVR Michaela Lehr 24:15
Realtime React Apps with GraphQL Robert Zhu 23:59
Jest Snapshots and Beyond Rogelio Guzman 26:33
A Beginner's Guide to Code Splitting Your React App Neehar Venugopal 24:01
Web Like Development and Release Agility for React Native Parashuram N 35:20
React Storybook: Design, Dev, Doc, Debug Components Marie-Laure Thuret 24:16
Extensible React Cameron Westland 19:13
Building React Communities Outside of Your Circle Troy Connor 2:58
A Prettier Printer (plus bonus clip!) James Long 8:13
How to React in the Slow Lane Nicole Chung 6:13
The Great Convergence with React Aditya Punjani 5:11
Learn Once, Route Anywhere Michael Jackson & Ryan Florence 13:50
Taming the Meta Language Cheng Lou 36:46
Speaker Panel Ben Alpert, Lin Clark, Sebastian Markbåge, Leland Richardson 42:46


ReactiveConf 2016

website - playlist

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
ReactiveConf 2016 in a Nutshell 1:00
Opening Ceremony 10:47
How the web ecosystem shaped Angular 2 Igor Minar 32:52
Testing the way it should be Brian Mann 36:43
The Age of Reason(ML) Sean Grove 30:23
Living in an async world of React Native Krzysztof Magiera 30:17
What's Next? Exploring the future of React Guillermo Rauch 34:10
Speed up app development with prefabricated, open source, backends Michael Glukhovsky 29:15
Paradigms for dealing with asynchrony Jared Forsyth 30:11
Optimistic updates in a pessimistic world Daniel Woelfel 27:47
Past and future of client-side routing Thomas Roch 28:17
Elm and React in production Richard Fieldmen 32:33

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Opening 5:33
Styled-components: Enforcing best practices Max Stoiber 30:08
Building validated forms with great UX in React Marcela Hrda 28:19
The Universality of Static Sites Mark Dalgleish 32:09
Visualizing the data flow with Cycle.js André Staltz 35:24
Writing Sound Asynchronous Code with Coroutines Tomaš Kulich 35:43
Immer-mutable state management Michel Weststrate 34:09
Debugging in Production: A Preview of CodePush vNext Ryan J. Salva 29:12
Building better mobile apps with GraphQL Martijn Walraven 28:59
Bridging the Gap: How to use React Native in existing large native code bases Leland Richardson 35:18
No Xcode, Android Studio, Java, Swift, Objective C - how far can JavaScript get you? Brent Vatne 29:23
Through the Looking Glass David Nolen 34:39
Closing n/a 0:33

React Rally 2016

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
Building React From Scratch Paul O Shannessy 33:56
‹Rethinker stop={false}/› Ryan Florence 37:15
React and Give Back Devon Lindsey 26:55
Async Redux Actions With RxJS Ben Lesh 35:10
Where in the Stack is Carmen Sanfrancisco? Marcy Sutton 32:24
Oh Composable World! Brian Lonsdorf 27:31
Rise of the Web Workers Parashuram 31:39
Animating in React Sarah Drasner 42:53
From Zero to Binary Search Tree James Kyle 27:22
RRR matey! - React, RethinkDB, and Raspberry Pi Mike Glukhovsky 29:17
Scaling React to Accelerate Life Science Research Saif Hakim 38:45
PureScript & Pux -- a safer, more expressive way to React Michael Trotter 25:20
Deploying GraphQL in a Serverless Context Kevin Old 28:38
Reintroducing Relay Joseph Savona 31:30
Debugging Your Debugger James Long 31:02
Real World React Debugging Jared Forsyth 24:49
Writing better multi-process hybrid apps with React and Redux Kate Hudson 27:41
Powering React-based Dashboards using GraphQL and PostgreSQL Lukas Fittl 28:20
All the terrible things I did the first time I made a complex React app Raquel Moss 26:36
The Danger Crew: Lessons learned from building an RPG in React Drew Conley 26:14

React Europe 2016

website - playlist

Day 1

Title/Link Presenter Length
The Redux Journey Dan Abramov 26:56
Native Navigation for Every Platform Eric Vicenti 27:25
A cartoon guide to performance Lin Clark 26:19
React Native ❤ 60FPS Krzysztof Magiera 25:25
Being Successful at Open Source Christopher Chedeau 28:38
GraphQL at Facebook Dan Schafer 26:30
A Deepdive Into Flow Jeff Morrison 27:52
Debugging flux applications in production Mihail Diordiev 19:52
On the Spectrum of Abstraction Cheng Lou 35:31
React Redux Analytics Bertrand Karerangabo & Evan Schultz 26:54

Day 2

Title/Link Presenter Length
Evolving the Visual Programming Environment with React Jonas Gebhardt 29:27
React Native Retrospective Bonnie Eisenman 25:35
The Evolution of React UI Development Max Stoiber & Nik Graf 20:42
Recomposing your React application Andrew Clark 29:55
JavaScript, React Native and Performance Tadeu Zagallo 21:18
Falcor: One Model Everywhere Jafar Husain 27:51
Building for Android with Exponent and React Native Brent Vatne 32:44
GraphQL Future Laney Kuenzel & Lee Byron 32:17
Building native mobile apps with GraphQL Martijn Walraven 23:55
Question and Answers with core team members n/a 57:27

React Amsterdam 2016

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
Migrating Safely to React Jamis Charles 26:56
Buildings Lovable UIs Henrique Alves 24:47
React Native Architecture Overview Tadeu Zagallo 28:11
Building Reactive GraphQL Apps with Apollo Martijn Walraven 24:03
Mastering Server-rendered Apps Sven Anders Robbestad 22:35
JavaScript Style Sheets Oleg Slobodskoi 25:43
React for Game Development Johannes Stein 24:59
The React Native Playground Joshua Sierles 20:38
Introducing and Implementing React at Coolblue Paul van Dam 26:05
React Component Library Robert Haritonov 16:03
Testing React Applications Jack Franklin 29:32
Solving a Tooling Problem for React Native Alexey Kureev, Mike Grabowski 31:09
React WebGL in Liberty Global Denis Radin 10:42
State Management is Easy Michel Weststrate 20:47

React Conf 2016

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote Nick Schrock 29:47
What Lies Ahead Ben Alpert 27:44
Rich Text Editing with React Isaac Salier-Hellendag 25:12
A Cartoon Guide to the Wilds of Data Handling Lin Clark 24:38
Demystifying Tech Recruiting Helena Milosevic 19:56
Web-like Release Agility for Native Apps Parashuram N 15:26
React, Meet Virtual Reality Eric Florenzano 30:07
Building a Progressive Web App Aditya Punjani 20:48
How To Use React In A Wedding Gift Without Being A Bad Friend Keith Poplawski 25:44
Universal GL Effects for Web and Native Gaetan Renaudeau 28:46
Redux, Re-frame, Relay, Om/next, oh my! Jared Forsyth 21:31
Performance Without Compromise Steve McGuire 25:20
A GraphQL Framework in Non-JS Servers Syrus Akbary 21:32
Speeding up Startup for Large React Bhuwan Khattar 31:20
Rethinking All Practices: Building Applications in Elm Jamison Dance 29:06
Optimising React Native: Tools and Tips Tadeu Zagallo 24:12


React.js Conf 2015

website - playlist
Title/Link Presenter Length
Keynote - Introducing React Native Tom Occhino 31:46
Keynote 2 - A Deep Dive into React Native Christopher Chedeau 30:13
Tweak your page in real time Brenton Simpson 21:34
Data fetching for React applications at Facebook Daniel Schafer and Jing Chen 26:39
Communicating with channels James Long 33:27
react-router increases your productivity Michael Jackson 32:14
Full Stack Flux Pete Hunt 32:34
Making your app fast with high-performance components Jason Bonta 29:48
Formatting with FormatJS and react-intl Eric Ferraiuolo 28:02
Hype! Ryan Florence 31:16
The complementarity of React and Web Components Andrew Rota 25:46
Immutable Data and React Lee Byron 31:10
Beyond the DOM: How Netflix plans to enhance your television experience Jafar Husain 25:54
Scalable Data Visualization Zach Nation 26:51
Refracting React David Nolen 31:42
Flux Panel Michael Ridgway, Spike Brehm, Andres Suarez, Jing Chen, Kyle Davis and Ian Obermiller 31:01
Codecademy's approach to component communication Bonnie Eisenman 23:57
Static typing with Flow and TypeScript James Brantly 31:50
Q&A with the team n/a 31:0


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