simondereuver / image-rec

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This is a freetime project I will make during summer. The intent of this project is to learn how to make a website and using predefined AI models, in preparation for future courses.

The main idea of this project is to create a website where users are able to upload a picture and a AI model will classify the image. As this is the first version it will be updated along the way when new ideas and features come to mind.

Program specifications and languages


The server-side of the website will be programmed using JavaScript with Node.js as the runtime enviroment including Express as the application framework.


Framework used for unit tests are Mocha alongside with testing libraries chai, chai-http, supertest and nyc (previously Istanbul) is used for codecoverage.


The client side is programmed using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.


SQLite is used for database implementation.

Compiling and running instructions

Create a directory for where you want the project to reside and enter git remote add origin git+ into the commandline while at the directory. Before installing dependencies and mor make sure you have Node.js installed.

To install Dependencies, devDependencies and SQLite simply run:

npm install

This will install everything you need to be able to run the web-application and creates a node_modules/ directory within the root direcory of the project.

To start the project go to the root directory of project and enter the following into the commandline:

node server.js

The server will now be up and running.

To visit it enter http://localhost:3000/index.html into your choice of web browser such as Google Chrome, this will take you to the Home-page of the website.


Upload an image to the website. Image classification of uploaded pictures to the website.

More features to come.

Kanban board

Click here to view the Kanban board of the project.