simondlevy / USFS

Cross-platform libraries for the EM7180 Ultimate Sensor Fusion Solution
GNU General Public License v3.0
30 stars 11 forks source link

This repository contains a header-only Arduino library and Python (MicroPython, WiringPi) library and examples for working with the incredible EM7180 Ultimate Sensor Fusion Solution boards (both the MPU9250 version and the LSM6DSM + LIS2MD version) from Pesky Products.

The library has been tested on the following hardware:

The Arduino library provides a simple API for for working with the EM7180 SENtral sensor hub.

The examples directory contains a simple Arduino sketch showing how to use this API. As usual, just clone the repo into your Arduino libraries folder to get started. The API and examples were adapted from Kris Winer's repository. I strongly recommend reading Kris's wiki for a comprehensive overview of the EM7180 and other sensor-fusion solutions, and for instructions on how to calibrate the EM7180 before you start using it. (You can use my version of the calibration sketch.)

Python on Raspberry Pi

To try the library out in Python, cd to the extras/python folder and do python3 To install the library for access from other directories, do sudo python3 install.

An asynchronous version of this library is also available for Teensy 3.5.

Working with non-Arduino microcontrollers

The Arduino-dependent code has been isolated in a source file supporting the essential I/O functionality (I2C, millisecond delay, serial debugging). To work with a microcontroller that doesn't use the Arduino API, you can copy/paste this file and modify it appropriately.