simoneorlando97 / webeep-cli

A tool to use the webeep platform of the Politecnico di Milano directly from the command line.
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 1 forks source link

webeep-cli [no longer maintained]

A tool to use the WeBeep platform of the Politecnico di Milano directly from the command line.

License Language [Downloads]()



The webeep view must be the default matrix style and the language must be set to Italian.


Download the release corresponding to your operating system from the panel on the right or directly from your terminal.

For Linux:


For Mac:


For Windows:


Once downloaded you need to give it execute permissions.

On Linux:

chmod +x ./webeep-linux

On Mac:

chmod +x ./webeep-macos

Finally, to be able to call webeep at any time from your terminal.

On Linux:

sudo mv ./webeep-linux /usr/bin/webeep

On Mac:

sudo mv ./webeep-macos /usr/local/bin/webeep

For Windows users it is recommended to run the program within powershell.


The first time you start webeep-cli you will be asked for the credentials of the Politecnico di Milano.


If you change the password on the online services you can force the updating of the credentials on webeep-cli via

webeep --login

Once logged in, you can list your course folders via


If you also want the respective links of files and folders you can use

ls -l

You can navigate through the folders using

cd number_associated_with_the_folder
cd ..

To find out which course you are in you can use


You can download files via

get n_1 n_2 n_3 -d destination_path

where n_* are the numbers associated with the files you want to download and destination_path is the folder where you want to save these files.

If you want, instead, to download all the files in a folder you can use the command

get -all destination_path

To clean the console


and finally to exit webeep-cli
