simongray / StatementAnnotator

Custom annotator for Stanford CoreNLP that annotates sentences with the underlying statements contained within them.
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Conjunctions not recognised in indirect objects #40

Closed simongray closed 8 years ago

simongray commented 8 years ago

Two example sentences that need to be fixed:

// TODO: the two different nmods that are related to the same verb should be a conjunction?
String example = "Just keep one in my bag at all times as the wind can direction and smoggify the nicest days in a couple of hours sometimes.";

// TODO: in this case, the indirect object does not even respect a normal conjunction
String example = "I keep one in my bag and on my head at all times.";

Basically, it seems like conjunctions need to be created based on both the way it is done with subjects (using the conj relation) as well as the way it's done with verbs (looking for joint governance).

simongray commented 8 years ago

There's also this case of "conjunction":

skaermbillede 2016-07-01 17 01 34

It would be really nice if this was recognised too. Basically so that it would be possible to compare all three versions of a statement like:

I live in a house in Copenhagen I live in a house I live in Copenhagen

All 3 are true and especially "I live in Copenhagen" could be relevant.