simongray / StatementAnnotator

Custom annotator for Stanford CoreNLP that annotates sentences with the underlying statements contained within them.
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Statement annotator

This is a custom annotator for CoreNLP that can be used for information extraction. The annotator builds a layer on top of the dependency parses created by nndep. This layer consists of Statement objects: a lexico-syntactic representation of the underlying statements contained within each sentence.

A Statement is a container for Statement components: Subjects, Verbs, DirectObjects, and IndirectObjects - as well as embedded Statement objects representing dependent clauses. The Statement objects of a sentence can be matched using the StatementPattern class. Desired constituent components can be extracted for further processing by matching a Statement using a pattern, This is similar to how regular expressions can be used to both match and capture information in strings. Unlike regular expressions, Statements will match against grammatical patterns rather than string-based patterns.

This annotator has not been developed to populate large knowledge databases, but rather as way to structure natural language to allow for lexico-syntactic pattern matching. It was was originally conceived of as a part of a Master's thesis at the IT University of Copenhagen. The thesis is titled "Adding context to online discussions through the generation of user profiles" and uses Statements and Statement patterns to build targeted user profiles for anonymous users on Reddit.

Basic pipeline setup

StatementFinder can be used independently to output statements found in a SemanticGraph, however, it is recommended to use the CoreNLP pipeline.

// setting up the required CoreNLP pipeline
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, depparse, statements");
properties.setProperty("customAnnotatorClass.statements", "statements.StatementAnnotator");
StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(properties);

The only requirement is the standard CoreNLP neural network dependency parser and its requirements, as well as the lemma annotator.

Example usage

String example = "This is an example sentence";

Annotation annotation = new Annotation(example);

for (CoreMap sentence : annotation.get(SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
    Set<Statement> statements = sentence.get(StatementsAnnotation.class);