simonhicks / gradle-vim-syntastic-plugin

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Don't use this. Use - it's better.

Gradle vim-syntastic plugin

a gradle plugin to generate the classpath file and config variables for getting Syntastic.vim to work with a gradle build.

Obviously this plugin depends on the 'syntastic' vim plugin.

Installing (build.gradle)

Add contents of vim.gradle to your build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven'

repositories {
task vimFiles << {

Installing (vim.gradle)

Just add the vim.gradle to the project root.

Installing - Adding support on VIM

The easiest way to do this is to add the following lines to the end of your .vimrc:

 if filereadable(glob('./.vimrc.local'))
     so ./.vimrc.local

Usage (build.gradle)

For installing stuff just run:

gradle vimFiles

Then you will be ready to go! The .syntastic-classpath and .vimrc.local will be generated on the project root.

Usage (build.gradle)

For installing stuff just run:

gradle -b vim.gradle vimFiles

Then you will be ready to go! The .syntastic-classpath and .vimrc.local will be generated on the project root.