simonw / symbex

Find the Python code for specified symbols
Apache License 2.0
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Find the Python code for specified symbols

Read Symbex: search Python code for functions and classes, then pipe them into a LLM for background on this project.


Install this tool using pip:

pip install symbex

Or using Homebrew:

brew install simonw/llm/symbex


symbex can search for names of functions and classes that occur at the top level of a Python file.

To search every .py file in your current directory and all subdirectories, run like this:

symbex my_function

You can search for more than one symbol at a time:

symbex my_function MyClass

Wildcards are supported - to search for every test_ function run this (note the single quotes to avoid the shell interpreting the * as a wildcard):

symbex 'test_*'

To search for methods within classes, use class.method notation:

symbex Entry.get_absolute_url

Wildcards are supported here as well:

symbex 'Entry.*'
symbex '*.get_absolute_url'
symbex '*.get_*'

Or to view every method of every class:

symbex '*.*'

To search within a specific file, pass that file using the -f option. You can pass this more than once to search multiple files.

symbex MyClass -f

To search within a specific directory and all of its subdirectories, use the -d/--directory option:

symbex Database -d ~/projects/datasette

If you know that you want to inspect one or more modules that can be imported by Python, you can use the -m/--module name option. This example shows the signatures for every symbol available in the asyncio package:

symbex -m asyncio -s --imports

You can search the directory containing the Python standard library using --stdlib. This can be useful for quickly looking up the source code for specific Python library functions:

symbex --stdlib -in to_thread

-in is explained below. If you provide --stdlib without any -d or -f options then --silent will be turned on automatically, since the standard library otherwise produces a number of different warnings.

The output starts like this:

# from asyncio.threads import to_thread
async def to_thread(func, /, *args, **kwargs):
    """Asynchronously run function *func* in a separate thread.
    # ...

You can exclude files in specified directories using the -x/--exclude option:

symbex Database -d ~/projects/datasette -x ~/projects/datasette/tests

If symbex encounters any Python code that it cannot parse, it will print a warning message and continue searching:

# Syntax error in path/ expected ':' (<unknown>, line 1)

Pass --silent to suppress these warnings:

symbex MyClass --silent


In addition to searching for symbols, you can apply filters to the results.

The following filters are available:

For example, to see the signatures of every async def function in your project that doesn't have any type annotations:

symbex -s --async --untyped

For class methods instead of functions, you can combine filters with a symbol search argument of *.*.

This example shows the full source code of every class method in the Python standard library that has type annotations for all of the arguments and the return value:

symbex --fully-typed --no-init '*.*' --stdlib

To find all public functions and methods that lack documentation, just showing the signature of each one:

symbex '*' '*.*' --public --undocumented --signatures

Example output

In a fresh checkout of Datasette I ran this command:

symbex MessagesDebugView get_long_description

Here's the output of the command:

# File: Line: 5
def get_long_description():
    with open(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), ""),
    ) as fp:

# File: datasette/views/ Line: 60
class PatternPortfolioView(View):
    async def get(self, request, datasette):
        await datasette.ensure_permissions(, ["view-instance"])
        return Response.html(
            await datasette.render_template(

Just the signatures

The -s/--signatures option will list just the signatures of the functions and classes, for example:

symbex -s -f symbex/
# File: symbex/ Line: 107
def function_definition(function_node: AST):

# File: symbex/ Line: 13
def find_symbol_nodes(code: str, filename: str, symbols: Iterable[str]) -> List[Tuple[(AST, Optional[str])]]:

# File: symbex/ Line: 175
def class_definition(class_def):

# File: symbex/ Line: 209
def annotation_definition(annotation: AST) -> str:

# File: symbex/ Line: 227
def read_file(path):

# File: symbex/ Line: 253
class TypeSummary:

# File: symbex/ Line: 258
def type_summary(node: AST) -> Optional[TypeSummary]:

# File: symbex/ Line: 304
def quoted_string(s):

# File: symbex/ Line: 315
def import_line_for_function(function_name: str, filepath: str, possible_root_dirs: List[str]) -> str:

# File: symbex/ Line: 37
def code_for_node(code: str, node: AST, class_name: str, signatures: bool, docstrings: bool) -> Tuple[(str, int)]:

# File: symbex/ Line: 71
def add_docstring(definition: str, node: AST, docstrings: bool, is_method: bool) -> str:

# File: symbex/ Line: 82
def match(name: str, symbols: Iterable[str]) -> bool:

This can be combined with other options, or you can run symbex -s to see every symbol in the current directory and its subdirectories.

To include estimated import paths, such as # from symbex.lib import match, use --imports. These will be calculated relative to the directory you specified, or you can pass one or more --sys-path options to request that imports are calculated relative to those directories as if they were on sys.path:

~/dev/symbex/symbex match --imports -s --sys-path ~/dev/symbex

Example output:

# File: symbex/ Line: 82
# from symbex.lib import match
def match(name: str, symbols: Iterable[str]) -> bool:

To suppress the # File: ... comments, use --no-file or -n.

So to both show import paths and suppress File comments, use -in as a shortcut:

symbex -in match


# from symbex.lib import match
def match(name: str, symbols: Iterable[str]) -> bool:

To include docstrings in those signatures, use --docstrings:

symbex match --docstrings -f symbex/

Example output:

# File: symbex/ Line: 82
def match(name: str, symbols: Iterable[str]) -> bool:
    "Returns True if name matches any of the symbols, resolving wildcards"

Counting symbols

If you just want to count the number of functions and classes that match your filters, use the --count option. Here's how to count your classes:

symbex --class --count

Or to count every async test function:

symbex --async 'test_*' --count

Structured output

LLM defaults to outputting plain text (actually valid Python code, thanks to the way it uses comments).

You can request output in CSV, TSV, JSON or newline-delimited JSON instead, using the following options:

In each case the ID will be the path to the file containing the symbol, followed by a colon, followed by the line number of the symbol, for example:

  "id": "symbex/",
  "code": "def match(name: str, symbols: Iterable[str]) -> bool:"

If you pass -i/--imports the ID will be the import line instead:

  "id": "from symbex.lib import match",
  "code": "def match(name: str, symbols: Iterable[str]) -> bool:"

Pass --id-prefix 'something:' to add the specified prefix to the start of each ID.

This example will generate a CSV file of all of your test functions, using the import style of IDs and a prefix of test::

symbex 'test_*' \
  --function \
  --imports \
  --csv > tests.csv

Using with LLM

This tool is primarily designed to be used with LLM, a CLI tool for working with Large Language Models.

symbex makes it easy to grab a specific class or function and pass it to the llm command.

For example, I ran this in the Datasette repository root:

symbex Response | llm --system 'Explain this code, succinctly'

And got back this:

This code defines a custom Response class with methods for returning HTTP responses. It includes methods for setting cookies, returning HTML, text, and JSON responses, and redirecting to a different URL. The asgi_send method sends the response to the client using the ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) protocol.

The structured output feature is designed to be used with LLM embeddings. You can generate embeddings for every symbol in your codebase using llm embed-multi like this:

symbex '*' '*:*' --nl | \
  llm embed-multi symbols - \
  --format nl --database embeddings.db --store

This creates a database in embeddings.db containing all of your symbols along with embedding vectors.

You can then search your code like this:

llm similar symbols -d embeddings.db -c 'test csv' | jq

Replacing a matched symbol

The --replace option can be used to replace a single matched symbol with content piped in to standard input.

Given a file called with the following content:

def first_function():
    # This will be ignored

def second_function():
    # This will be replaced

Run the following:

echo "def second_function(a, b):
    # This is a replacement implementation
    return a + b + 3
" | symbex second_function --replace

The result will be an updated-in-place containing the following:

def first_function():
    # This will be ignored

def second_function(a, b):
    # This is a replacement implementation
    return a + b + 3

This feature should be used with care! I recommend only using this feature against code that is already checked into Git, so you can review changes it makes using git diff and revert them using git checkout

Replacing a matched symbol by running a command

The --rexec COMMAND option can be used to replace a single matched symbol by running a command and using its output.

The command will be run with the matched symbol's definition piped to its standard input. The output of that command will be used as the replacement text.

Here's an example that uses sed to add a # to the beginning of each matching line, effectively commenting out the matched function:

symbex first_function --rexec "sed 's/^/# /'"

This modified the first function in place to look like this:

# def first_function():
#    # This will be ignored
#    pass

A much more exciting example uses LLM. This example will use the gpt-3.5-turbo model to add type hints and generate a docstring:

symbex second_function \
  --rexec "llm --system 'add type hints and a docstring'"

I ran this against this code:

def first_function():
    # This will be ignored

def second_function(a, b):
    return a + b + 3

And the second function was updated in place to look like this:

def second_function(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    Returns the sum of two integers (a and b) plus 3.

    a (int): The first integer.
    b (int): The second integer.

    int: The sum of a and b plus 3.
    return a + b + 3

Using in CI

The --check option causes symbex to return a non-zero exit code if any matches are found for your query.

You can use this in CI to guard against things like public functions being added without documentation:

symbex --function --public --undocumented --check

This will fail silently but set a 1 exit code if there are any undocumented functions.

Using this as a step in a CI tool such as GitHub Actions should result in a test failure.

Run this to see the exit code from the last command:

echo $?

--check will not output anything by default. Add --count to output a count of matching symbols, or -s/--signatures to output the signatures of the matching symbols, for example:

symbex --function --public --undocumented --check --count

Similar tools

symbex --help

Usage: symbex [OPTIONS] [SYMBOLS]...

  Find symbols in Python code and print the code for them.

  Example usage:

      # Search current directory and subdirectories
      symbex my_function MyClass

      # Search using a wildcard
      symbex 'test_*'

      # Find a specific class method
      symbex 'MyClass.my_method'

      # Find class methods using wildcards
      symbex '*View.handle_*'

      # Search a specific file
      symbex MyClass -f

      # Search within a specific directory and its subdirectories
      symbex Database -d ~/projects/datasette

      # View signatures for all symbols in current directory and subdirectories
      symbex -s

      # View signatures for all test functions
      symbex 'test_*' -s

      # View signatures for all async functions with type definitions
      symbex --async --typed -s

      # Count the number of --async functions in the project
      symbex --async --count

      # Replace my_function with a new implementation:
      echo "def my_function(a, b):
          # This is a replacement implementation
          return a + b + 3
      " | symbex my_function --replace

      # Replace my_function with the output of a command:
      symbex first_function --rexec "sed 's/^/# /'"
      # This uses sed to comment out the function body

  --version                  Show the version and exit.
  -f, --file FILE            Files to search
  -d, --directory DIRECTORY  Directories to search
  --stdlib                   Search the Python standard library
  -x, --exclude DIRECTORY    Directories to exclude
  -s, --signatures           Show just function and class signatures
  -n, --no-file              Don't include the # File: comments in the output
  -i, --imports              Show 'from x import y' lines for imported symbols
  -m, --module TEXT          Modules to search within
  --sys-path TEXT            Calculate imports relative to these on sys.path
  --docs, --docstrings       Show function and class signatures plus docstrings
  --count                    Show count of matching symbols
  --silent                   Silently ignore Python files with parse errors
  --function                 Filter functions
  --async                    Filter async functions
  --unasync                  Filter non-async functions
  --class                    Filter classes
  --documented               Filter functions with docstrings
  --undocumented             Filter functions without docstrings
  --public                   Filter for symbols without a _ prefix
  --private                  Filter for symbols with a _ prefix
  --dunder                   Filter for symbols matching __*__
  --typed                    Filter functions with type annotations
  --untyped                  Filter functions without type annotations
  --partially-typed          Filter functions with partial type annotations
  --fully-typed              Filter functions with full type annotations
  --no-init                  Filter to exclude any __init__ methods
  --check                    Exit with non-zero code if any matches found
  --replace                  Replace matching symbol with text from stdin
  --rexec TEXT               Replace with the result of piping to this tool
  --csv                      Output as CSV
  --tsv                      Output as TSV
  --json                     Output as JSON
  --nl                       Output as newline-delimited JSON
  --id-prefix TEXT           Prefix to use for symbol IDs
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


To contribute to this tool, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment:

cd symbex
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now install the dependencies and test dependencies:

pip install -e '.[test]'

To run the tests:



You can also install just and use it to run the tests and linters like this:


Or to list commands:

just -l
Available recipes:
    black         # Apply Black
    cog           # Rebuild docs with cog
    default       # Run tests and linters
    lint          # Run linters
    test *options # Run pytest with supplied options