simplesurance / baur

An incremental task runner for mono repositories.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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baur Go Report Card


baur is an incremental task runner for monolithic Git repositories. \ It can be used in CI environments to build, check and test only applications that changed in a commit.

Practical usage examples of baur can be found in the example repository.

How it works

Per application tasks are defined in a TOML configuration file. Each task specifies:

When baur runs a task, it calculates a digest for the task inputs and stores it in a PostgreSQL database. \ On following runs, baur only runs tasks for which the inputs changed.

Key Features



From a Release

The recommended way is to download the latest released version from the release page. \ Official releases are provided for Linux, macOS and Windows.

After downloading the release archive, extract the baur binary (tar xJf baur-OS_ARCH-VERSION.tar.xz) and move it to your preferred location.

From Source

You can build and install the latest version from the main branch by running:

go install


baur uses a PostgreSQL database to record information about past task runs. The quickest way to setup a PostgreSQL for local testing is with docker:

docker run -p -e POSTGRES_DB=baur -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust postgres:latest

Afterwards you create your baur repository configuration file. In the root directory of your Git repository run:

baur init repo

The command will print instructions how to initialize your database and create your first application configuration file.

First Steps

To show information about the available commands run:

baur --help

Some commands to start with are:

command action
baur status List task in the repository with their build status
baur run Run all tasks of all applications with pending builds, upload their artifacts and records the result
baur ls runs all List recorded tasks
baur show currency-service Show information about an application called currency-service
baur ls inputs --digests List inputs with their digests of the build task of an application called shop
baur run --help Show the usage information for the run command.


Documentation is available in the wiki.

Upgrading from older baur Versions

See Upgrade Instructions in the wiki


baur follows Semantic Versioning for its command line interface, configuration file format and database schema. \ The APIs of the Go packages are excluded from the semantic versioning policy. Their APIs may change at any time in a backward incompatible manner.


We are happy to receive Pull Requests for baur. \ If you like to contribute a non-trivial change, it is recommended to outline the idea before in the Ideas forum.

