simplic / simplic-dlr

Provides classes and methods to easily integrate dlr languages like IronPython into your application without loosing flexibility.
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link


Simplic.Dlr is a library to use the Microsoft Dlr in a very simple and efficient way, without loosing flexibility. The library provides the following functions:



Just clone the current repository and open the Simplic.Dlr solution in the src directory. After compiling just copy all needed assemblies (Simplic.Dlr, IronPython.dll, Microsoft.Scripting, ...).

Be sure you use the IronPython dlls from the dependencies directory.

Nuget [not up-to-date]

You can find the newest and stable version at nuget.

NuGet Status

Please use a self compiled version. Or download from releases.


A list of samples can be found in the src/Samples directory of the repository.

Getting started:

Install Simplic.Dlr by compiling on your own or using nuget.

Initialize Simplic.Dlr

To use Simplic.Dlr you always need to create a DlrHost. A DlrHost will always be initialized with a specific language:

var host = new DlrHost<IronPythonLanguage>(new IronPythonLanguage());

Tha's all you need to initialize the following component:

  1. ScriptEngine
  2. ScriptRuntime
  3. Default scope

Execute IronPython code

To execute a line of IronPython code just use default scope and execute the script directly:

host.DefaultScope.Execute("print 'Hello World'");

Set search paths for modules

The host provides methods to add and remove search paths very easily

Add search path to the host


Remove search path from the host

if (host.RemoveSearchPath('C:\\Python\\lib'))
    // Removes successfully        

Create an instance of an IronPython class in C# and access it's member

host.DefaultScope.Execute("class TestClass(object):\r\n"
    + "    var1 = ''\r\n"
    + "    def doPrint(self, txt):\r\n"
    + "        print txt\r\n"
    + ""
    + "    def doPrintVar(self):\r\n"
    + "        print self.var1\r\n");

// Call via name of the method
var instance = host.DefaultScope.CreateClassInstance("TestClass");
instance.CallMethod("doPrint", "Text to print?");

// Call directly over the embedded dynamic keyword
dynamic dynInstance = instance;
dynInstance.doPrint("Text 2 to print!");

// Set variable an print out
instance.SetMember("var1", "Variable content 1.");

dynInstance.var1 = "Variable content 2.";

Create a custom import source

To create a custom import source, you jsut have to do few things.

  1. Create a class which inherits from IDlrImportResolver
  2. Implement GetModuleInformation which should return a ResolvedType.None if nothing exists, ResolvedType.Module if it's a module. If it is a package, return ResolvedType.Package
  3. Register your created resolver using the Dlr-Host: <<your host>>.AddImportResolver(new <<Your import resolver>>());

For more information take a look at: Sample.ImportResolver. This shows how to load embedded scripts from a project using IDlrImportResolver.

Create a c# wrapper for IronPython classes

/// <summary>
/// Simple wrapper class
/// </summary>
public class MathClass : DlrClass
    /// <summary>
    /// Create math class
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="scriptScope"></param>
    /// <param name="className"></param>
    /// <param name="parameter"></param>
    internal MathClass(DlrScriptScope scriptScope, params object[] parameter)
        : base(scriptScope, "MathClass", parameter)


    /// <summary>
    /// Add data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">x to add</param>
    /// <param name="y">y to add</param>
    /// <returns>returns x + y</returns>
    public int Add(int x, int y)
        return CallFunction("add", x, y);

    /// <summary>
    /// Subtract data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">x value</param>
    /// <param name="y">y to substract from x</param>
    /// <returns>returns x - y</returns>
    public int Sub(int x, int y)
        return CallFunction("sub", x, y);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create simple host environment
        var host = new DlrHost<IronPythonLanguage>(new IronPythonLanguage());

        // Define class
        host.DefaultScope.Execute("class MathClass(object):\r\n"
            + ""
            + "    def add(self, x, y):\r\n"
            + "        return x + y\r\n"
            + ""
            + "    def sub(self, x, y):\r\n"
            + "        return x - y\r\n");

        // Use Math-class
        var cl = new MathClass(host.DefaultScope);

        // Call c# -> python
        Console.WriteLine("Add: 5 + 100 = " + cl.Add(5, 100));
        Console.WriteLine("Sub: 90 - 14 = " + cl.Sub(90, 40));
