simplycodesmart / stellar-ui-workspace

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Stellar UI Workspace

This project demonstrates how to create a versatile Angular library with multiple entry points, allowing for better organization, improved tree shaking, and enhanced code splitting.

Table of Contents


This guide walks you through creating an Angular library with multiple entry points to improve your project's modularity, tree shaking, and code splitting. By the end of this guide, you'll have a well-organized library with separate entry points for different components, enabling better performance and maintainability.

Why Multiple Entry Points?


Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd stellar-ui-workspace
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install

Implementation Steps

1. Create an Angular Workspace

Create a new Angular workspace without an initial application:

ng new stellar-ui-workspace --create-application false
cd stellar-ui-workspace

2. Install Dependencies

Install necessary dependencies using npm:

npm install

3. Generate the Library

Generate the library named @stellar-ui/st-sdk:

ng generate library @stellar-ui/st-sdk --prefix=st

4. Add Subentry Points

Create subentry points for Button, Card, and Accordion components:

cd projects/stellar-ui/st-sdk
ng generate component button/button --flat=true --inlineTemplate=true --inlineStyle=true
ng generate component card/card --flat=true --inlineTemplate=true --inlineStyle=true
ng generate component accordion/accordion --flat=true --inlineTemplate=true --inlineStyle=true

Create public-api.ts, index.ts, and ng-package.json in each subentry point folder.

5. Dependencies Between Subentry Points

Update tsconfig.json for flexible dependency handling. For example, if Button and Card are used in Accordion, they should be imported accordingly.

6. Unit Testing Configuration

Adjust the angular.json configuration to include tests for subentry points:

  "projects": {
    "@mycomp/ui-sdk": {
      "sourceRoot": "projects/stellar-ui/st-sdk"

7. Demo App to Test

Create a test app to demonstrate the library usage:

ng generate app demo-app

Update to include the library paths:

"paths": {
  "@stellar-ui/st-sdk/*": ["./../../dist/stellar-ui/st-sdk/*"],
  "@stellar-ui/st-sdk": ["./../../dist/stellar-ui/st-sdk"]

Update app.component.ts to use the AccordionComponent from the library.


By following this guide, you have successfully created an Angular library with multiple entry points, enhancing organization, performance, and dependency management. This approach will help you craft robust and versatile Angular libraries that empower developers and improve application quality.

Source Code

The source code for the @stellar-ui/st-sdk library and the demo app is available on GitHub: Stellar UI Workspace

Medium Article

For a detailed explanation, check out the accompanying Medium article: Crafting a Versatile Angular Library: A Guide to Multiple Entry Points


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Now it includes the Medium article link as well. Let me know if you need further adjustments!