kube-owasp-zap is an owasp-zap solution for Kubernetes. It allows you to perform a vulnerability analysis on a host using Kubernetes as the platform. It creates a Job that deploys a pod that will scan the host for any vulnerabilities.
The following shows how to perform an owasp-zap scan using Kubernetes. There are two ways to deploy. Either use this Github project (Option A) or use a Helm repository (Option B) which is a little easier.
This project runs the owasp-zap tool as a Kubernetes job. Each job needs to have a unique name. That's why the name is uniquified using a timestamp.
Kubernetes jobs are not automatically reaped so that you can still see their logs when they are complete. It this case, that is good because the result of the owasp-zap scan are in the logs.
kubectl apply -f -<<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: owasp-zap
name: owasp-zap
export URL_TO_SCAN="http://nodegoat.herokuapp.com"
> helm install "vuln-scan-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')-job" ./kube-owasp-zap \
--namespace owasp-zap \
--set zapcli.debug.enabled=true \
--set zapcli.spider.enabled=false \
--set zapcli.recursive.enabled=false \
--set zapcli.targetHost=$URL_TO_SCAN
> helm repo add simplyzee https://charts.simplyzee.dev
> helm install "vuln-scan-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')-job" implyzee/kube-owasp-zap \
--namespace owasp-zap \
--set zapcli.debug.enabled=true \
--set zapcli.spider.enabled=false \
--set zapcli.recursive.enabled=false \
--set zapcli.targetHost=$URL_TO_SCAN
This will deploy a Job that will deploy a pod on the Kubernetes platform that will perform the vulnerability scan.
to force newer jobs to the end of the list.> kubectl get jobs --namespace owasp-zap | grep -v "COMPLETIONS" | sort
vuln-scan-2020-03-20-11-10-17-job-kube-owasp-zap 1/1 22s 6m53s
vuln-scan-2020-03-20-10-46-14-job-kube-owasp-zap 1/1 33s 30m
> kubectl logs jobs/vuln-scan-2020-03-20-11-10-17-job-kube-owasp-zap --namespace owasp-zap
[INFO] Starting ZAP daemon
[DEBUG] Starting ZAP process with command: /zap/zap.sh -daemon -port 8080 -config api.disablekey=true.
[DEBUG] Logging to /zap/zap.log
[DEBUG] ZAP started successfully.
[INFO] Running a quick scan for http://nodegoat.herokuapp.com
[DEBUG] Disabling all current scanners
[DEBUG] Enabling scanners with IDs 40012,40014,40016,40017,40018
[DEBUG] Scanning target https://www.ibm.com...
[DEBUG] Started scan with ID 0...
[DEBUG] Scan progress %: 0
[DEBUG] Scan #0 completed
[INFO] Issues found: 0
[INFO] Shutting down ZAP daemon
[DEBUG] Shutting down ZAP.
[DEBUG] ZAP shutdown successfully.
Still a lot of work around platform improvements with Kubernetes but it utilises the Kubernetes platform well to scan sites from a vulnerability analysis perspective.
Ideas to implement:
Please raise an issue or pull request if you have any issues, questions or features.