sina-mansour / UKB-connectomics

This repository will host scripts used to map structural and functional brain connectivity matrices for the UK biobank dataset.
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UK Biobank Connectomes Repository

Welcome to the UK Biobank Connectomes repository, a resource for the "Connectomes for 40,000 UK Biobank participants" project. This repository contains scripts and resources related to the project.

Article Reference

Citation: Mansour L, S., Di Biase, M. A., Smith, R. E., Zalesky, A., & Seguin, C. (2023). Connectomes for 40,000 UK Biobank participants: A multi-modal, multi-scale brain network resource. bioRxiv, 2023-03.

Repository Sections

Connectivity Mapping Pipeline

Individual Parcellations and Connectomes

Tractography Pipeline

Connectivity matrices from streamlines

Additional Scripts

Software dependencies:

The connectivity mapping pipeline makes use of the following software packages:

The following Python packages were additionally utilized:


Here you may find information about commonly raised questions about the resource:

  1. How do I get region labels for various SC and FC matrices: Region labels are provided in /data/templates/atlases/labels, also check out this issue for further information.

Feel free to explore and utilize these resources for your research projects. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

sina \[dot\] mansour \[dot\] lakouraj \[at\] gmail