sinaris / AsphyxiaUI---v6

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TukUI 15.18 Statue Update issue #19

Closed haohmaruxi closed 11 years ago

haohmaruxi commented 11 years ago

I started receiving this error once I updated from TukUI 15.17 to 15.18.

Date: 2012-09-15 22:43:51 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ...\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Layouts\Asphyxia\Asphyxia.lua line 507: attempt to index field 'Statue' (a nil value) Debug:

...\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Layouts\Asphyxia\Asphyxia.lua:507: in main chunk Locals: S =

{ resolution = "1600x900" dummy = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\init.lua:27 petbuttonsize = 29 UpdateDruidManaText = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:988 DataBarTooltipAnchor = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:62 StyleActionBarPetAndShiftButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\actionbars\Style.lua:102 CheckCast = defined =C:-1 MicroMenu =
{ } ShiftBarUpdate = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:117 PetBarUpdate = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:160 SetDefaultActionButtonCooldownFont = "Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Media\Fonts\Asphyxia.ttf" UpdateManaLevel = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:971 AllowFrameMoving =
{ } UpdateMushroomVisibility = defined =C:-1 UnitColor =
{ } ShortValue = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Functions\Functions.lua:124 MoveUnitFrames = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\unitframes\plugins\oUF_MovableFrames\movable.lua:534 ShowHighlightActionButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Modules\Actionbars\Asphyxia\Style.lua:49 ColorTemplate =
{ } Credits =
{ } SpawnMenu = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:380 GetAsphyxiaUIVersion = "6.0.311" buffids =
{ } PostCastStart = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Functions\Functions.lua:44 HideHighlightActionButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Modules\Actionbars\Asphyxia\Style.lua:66 PostUpdatePetColor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:522 ShowPopup = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\popup.lua:84 buttonspacing = 4 SkinSlideBar = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:629 PostCreateAura = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:663 buildtext = "16057" UpdateThreat = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1024 HidePortrait = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:769 SetGridGroupRole = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1043 PostUpdateHealthRaid = defined =C:-1 SkinFuncs =
{ } UpdateName = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:965 SkinTab = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:475 SkinRotateButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:530 IsPTRVersion = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:10 SkinScrollBar = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:403 client = "enUS" createAuraWatch = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1092 build = 16057 RGBToHex = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:234 PostUpdatePower = defined =C:-1 UTF = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:12 StyleShift = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\actionbars\Style.lua:141 fadeIn = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:86 SkinEditBox = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:547 fadeOut = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:81 countOffsets =
{ } SetFontString = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:19 Scale = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:24 PostUpdateAura = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:713 DataTextPosition = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:29 MoveUIElements = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\move.lua:110 StylePet = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\actionbars\Style.lua:151 level = 85 update_alpha = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:74 versionnumber = 15.18 myrace = "Tauren" Delay = <functi AddOns: Swatter, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches) AsphyxiaUI, v6.0.311 AsphyxiaUIConfig, v6.0.311 DBMCore, v Omen, v3.1.7 Recount, v Tukui, v15.18 TukuiConfigUI, v BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.0.5.50001 (ck=d1)

Slapaxx commented 11 years ago

Did you make sure you updated to the latest Asphyxia because this issue was fixed after Tukui updated his UI

haohmaruxi commented 11 years ago

yeah, i managed to temporarily fix the problem by going to asphyxia.lua in layout and the layout/asphyxia folder and commenting out the statue lines starting on 507.

sinaris commented 11 years ago

You dont want to edit the AsphyxiaUI. Update Tukui instead of chaning the AsphyxiaUI code ...

haohmaruxi commented 11 years ago

my TukUI is version 15.18 and I updated to the latest git of AsphyxiaUI and am still getting this error on two of my characters, my warrior and my priest.

haohmaruxi commented 11 years ago

The error only started after 15.18, which was issued yesterday. 15.17 and below worked fine.

Slapaxx commented 11 years ago

I do not understand how you are getting the error, i play a DK, Warrior, Priest and i cannot reproduce this error with the latest updates. Please make sure your global style is set to asphyxia and one of the named layouts listed under the AsphyxiaUI menu tab when you open /tc menu.

Prdrag commented 11 years ago

I had an issue yesterday with the Tukui Client too. The latest comments weren't in it, so try to download it manually on

haohmaruxi commented 11 years ago

Updating manually through seems to have fixed it. I originally used to client to update also. Thank you, and sorry for the trouble. ^^;;