sinaris / AsphyxiaUI---v6

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Major flaw in DK's layouts #6

Closed Slapaxx closed 11 years ago

Slapaxx commented 11 years ago

Date: 2012-09-12 02:08:26 ID: -2 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ...e\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Layouts\Asphyxia4.lua line 369: attempt to index field 'Statue' (a nil value) Debug:

...e\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Layouts\Asphyxia4.lua:369: in main chunk Locals: S =

{ RaidFramePetAttributes = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\unitframes\layouts\tukui.lua:2427 resolution = "1920x1200" dummy = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\init.lua:27 petbuttonsize = 29 UpdateDruidManaText = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1028 DataBarTooltipAnchor = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:62 StyleActionBarPetAndShiftButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\actionbars\Style.lua:102 CheckCast = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:801 MicroMenu =
{ } ShiftBarUpdate = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:117 PetBarUpdate = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:160 SetDefaultActionButtonCooldownFont = "Interface\Addons\Tukui\medias\fonts\normal_font.ttf" UpdateManaLevel = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1011 AllowFrameMoving =
{ } UpdateMushroomVisibility = defined =C:-1 UnitColor =
{ } ShortValue = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Functions\Functions.lua:124 MoveUnitFrames = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\unitframes\plugins\oUF_MovableFrames\movable.lua:534 ShowHighlightActionButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Modules\Actionbars\Style.lua:47 ColorTemplate =
{ } Credits =
{ } SpawnMenu = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:380 GetAsphyxiaUIVersion = "6.0.311" buffids =
{ } PostCastStart = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Unitframes\Functions\Functions.lua:44 HideHighlightActionButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Modules\Actionbars\Style.lua:64 PostUpdatePetColor = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:522 ShowPopup = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\popup.lua:84 buttonspacing = 4 SkinSlideBar = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:629 PostCreateAura = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:663 buildtext = "16048" UpdateThreat = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1064 HidePortrait = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:769 healfilter =
{ } PostUpdateHealthRaid = defined =C:-1 SkinFuncs =
{ } UpdateName = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1005 SkinTab = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:475 SkinRotateButton = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:530 IsPTRVersion = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:10 SkinScrollBar = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:403 client = "enUS" createAuraWatch = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:1113 build = 16048 RGBToHex = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:234 PostUpdatePower = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:556 UTF = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:12 StyleShift = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\actionbars\Style.lua:141 fadeIn = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:86 SkinEditBox = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:547 fadeOut = defined @Interface\AddOns\AsphyxiaUI\Core\Functions.lua:81 countOffsets =
{ } SetFontString = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:19 Scale = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\api.lua:24 PostUpdateAura = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:713 DataTextPosition = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\functions.lua:29 MoveUIElements = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\core\move.lua:110 StylePet = defined @Interface\AddOns\Tukui\modules\actionbars\Style.lua:151 level = 85 update_alpha = def AddOns: AsphyxiaUI, v6.0.311 AsphyxiaUIConfig, v6.0.311 Tukui, v15.13 TukuiConfigUI, v BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.0.5.50001 (ck=174)

Remove this code from all layouts under the Death Knight class code: G.UnitFrames.Player.Statue:ClearAllPoints() G.UnitFrames.Player.Statue:Size( 243, 2 ) G.UnitFrames.Player.Statue:Point( "TOPRIGHT", G.UnitFrames.Player.Power, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -7 ) G.UnitFrames.Player.Statue:CreateBackdrop( "Default" ) G.UnitFrames.Player.Statue.backdrop:CreateShadow( "Default" )

sinaris commented 11 years ago

You don't have the latest Tukui version installed. Tukz implemented the StatueBar for some classes.

Please update to the latest Tukui and the error will be gone.

Slapaxx commented 11 years ago

Ahh thats why Hydra and i were boggled by this because he thought Tuk's did and i failed to update that version lik e i thought i did. Sorry about that.

sinaris commented 11 years ago

you're welcome. If you have any other issue feel free to create a new ticket

Slapaxx commented 11 years ago

Hehe well when Tukz gets his site back up i'll update to his latest version and let you know =(

sinaris commented 11 years ago

Okay. i reopen the ticket. Let me know if everthing works fine. If so, i will close the ticket again :)

Slapaxx commented 11 years ago

Finally got Tukz update just a bit ago, it is working great so far =)