sindbach / mongodb-kafka-docker

Example demo of MongoDB and Kafka
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Docker for MongoDB And Apache Kafka


This has been superseeded by MongoDB Kafka Docker: End to End Example. Which utilises MongoDB Kafka Connector

An example of docker to set up a single Apache Kafka broker with MongoDB as consumer. Read more info at MongoDB & Data Streaming - Implementing a MongoDB Kafka Consumer

For demo purposes only

This project is using:


You can start by running command :

docker-compose run kafka

This would run the Kafka docker and the mongodb docker, and provides you with bash shell for the Kafka.

From the Kafka docker instance, you could reach the MongoDB instance using mongodb hostname.

First of all, let's compile the example Java code:

cd /home/ubuntu/workspace; 
mvn package; 

After a successful build, you should be able to find the resulting jar file in:


Starting Kafka

Let's start a single Kafka broker: ${KAFKA_HOME}/config/ & ${KAFKA_HOME}/config/ &

Produce a stream

Now you can stream example documents contained in file Fish.json via local producer using the provided Kafka tool: --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic fish < /home/ubuntu/workspace/src/resources/Fish.json;

Run Kafka Consumer

Execute our earlier jar file to read the messages in topic fish above into MongoDB

java -cp /home/ubuntu/workspace/target/kafka-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.demo.MongoDBSimpleConsumer

Once completed, you can check the result using mongo shell:

mongo --host "mongodb:30000" --eval "db=db.getSiblingDB('kafka');{'breed':'Cod'}).limit(5);"

Alternative Producer

The above method uses the provided Kafka tool to send the content of JSON file as stream. You can also use a simple Java class producer to send data into the stream.

java -cp /home/ubuntu/workspace/target/kafka-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.demo.MongoDBSimpleProducer

Same as above, once completed you can read the messages in the stream and store into MongoDB using the consumer:

java -cp /home/ubuntu/workspace/target/kafka-demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.demo.MongoDBSimpleConsumer

Once completed, you can check the result using mongo shell:

mongo --host "mongodb:30000" --eval "db=db.getSiblingDB('kafka');{'breed':'Random'}).limit(5);"


Clear up the topics queue --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic fish 

More Information

See also: Apache Kafka Quickstart tutorial