Open TangMonk opened 5 years ago
function js_files() { return src('./assets/scripts/*.js') .pipe(dest('./public/scripts')) .pipe(rev()) .pipe(dest('./public/scripts')) .pipe(rename({ dirname: "/scripts/" })) .pipe(rev.manifest('public/rev-manifest.json',{ merge: true, base: './public' })) .pipe(dest('./public/')) } function defaultTask(cb) { watch('./assets/scripts/*.js', {ignoreInitial: false}, js_files) } exports.default = defaultTask;
It manifest only changes when first run npx gulp, then it not changed whenever I change my source js file.
npx gulp
Please look at the following screen record(the gif the bit large, please patient):
Still an issue?
It manifest only changes when first run
npx gulp
, then it not changed whenever I change my source js file.Please look at the following screen record(the gif the bit large, please patient):