singlerider / lorenzotherobot

Twitch Chat bot written in Python
17 stars 9 forks source link

Build Status Circle CI

Try it out! The Code is live at You can send a whisper by typing /w Lorenzotherobot hi into the chat (from any channel)!


A bot with personality

Introducing Lorenzo - a Twitch chat/irc bot written in Python (2.6 / 2.7) with FULL WHISPER SUPPORT and more features than I care to count at this point. This implementation relies on a highly customized IRC connection library that allows for hot event-driven bot action over multiple sockets at once.


Virtual Environment

I would recommend running this in a virtual environment to keep your dependencies in check. If you'd like to do that, run:

sudo pip install virtualenv

Followed by:

virtualenv venv

This will create an empty virtualenv in your project directory in a folder called "venv." To enable it, run:

source venv/bin/activate

and your console window will be in that virtualenv state. To deactivate, run:



MySQL Installation

Depending on your distribution, starting the server will be different, on a mac, this is accomplished by doing

brew install mysql
mysql.server start

Python Packages

To install all dependencies locally (preferably inside your activated virtualenv), run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Further Steps

Make a copy of the example config file:

cp src/config/ src/config/

Make a copy of the example globals file:

Database Setup

From here, you need to enter the mysql console as root:

mysql -u root  # may require sudo
mysql> USE mysql;
mysql> UPDATE user SET plugin='auth_socket' WHERE User='YOUR_SYSTEM_USER';
mysql> exit;

$ service mysql restart

Create your database and name it whatever you want (from within the mysql shell):

CREATE DATABASE databasename;

Then quit out of the shell:


Create your schema from my blank template:

mysql -u root DATABASENAME < schema.sql

Globals and Config Files

Head into src/config/ and enter the correct channels and cron jobs you'd like to run, then go into Leave CURRENT_CHANNEL, CURRENT_USER, VARIABLE, and CHANNEL_INFO alone.


To run:



So, what can the bot do? Here are a list of current commands in no particular order with a description of each (if one is needed):

!follower: !follower [username]
!quote: !quote
!opinion: !opinion
!llama: !llama ['treats'/'shots'/username/'list']
!release: !release [party_position_number_to_be_released] [your_username]
!commands: !commands
!arbitrary: !arbitrary ['number'/'emote']
!addquote: !addquote [quote]
!check: !check ['trades'/'market'/'items'/'inventory'/username]
!caster: !caster [streamer_username]
!define: !define [insert_word_here]
!tallgrass: !tallgrass [number_of_treats_to_sacrifice]
!nickname: !nickname [position_to_update] [nickname(must not contain spaces)]
!help: !help
!popularity: !popularity [name_of_game]
!followers: !followers
!trade: !trade [party_position] [requested_pokemon] [minimum_asking_level]
!catch: !catch
!stream: !stream
!buy: !buy [item_number]
!edit: !edit [!command_name] [user_level (reg/mod)] [response (to add a custom user, use "{}")]
!uptime: !uptime
!winner: !winner
!add: !add [!command_name] [user_level (reg/mod)] [response (to add a custom user, use "{}") (to include message count, use "[]")]
!donation: !donation [username] [dollar_amount]
!party: !party [position_to_check(1-6)/'members'/username]
!battle: !battle [position_to_battle_with] [opponent_username]
!gift: !gift [username] [pokemon_name/'item'] [starting_level/'item_number']
!rem: !rem [!command_name]
!leaderboard: !leaderboard
!weather: !weather [units (metric/imperial)] [location (any format)]
!treats: !treats [add/remove/set] [username] [number]
!use: !use [item_position] [party_position]
!shots: !shots [add/remove/set] [number]
!wins: !wins [add/remove/set] [number]
!evolve: !evolve [position_to_evolve]
!report: !report [insert bug report text here]
!highlight: !highlight
!redeem: !redeem [party_position_to_trade] [username_to_trade] [party_position_to_redeem_from_user]
!loyalty: !loyalty [username]

Make It Do

Adding your own commands

You're going to need to know basic Python if you want to add your own commands. Open up src/lib/ There are examples of pre-made commands in there as examples. The limit parameter is the amount of times a command can be used in seconds, if you don't want a limit to be enforced put in 0.

The 'limit' parameter is the amount of times a command can be used in seconds, if you don't want a limit to be enforced put in 0.

If your command is only going to return a string, ex - '!hello' returns 'Welcome!', don't include the 'argc' parameter. Place the string you wish to be returned to the user in the 'return' parameter. For example, if you wanted to create a command such as this and limit it to being used ever 30 seconds, you would add in:

'!hello': {
    'limit': 10,
    'return': 'Welcome!'

However, if your command has to have some logic implemented and if the command is just going to return whatever a function returns, set the 'return' parameter on the command to 'command', and set 'argc' to 0. If your command is going to take arguments, ex '!hello [name]', set 'argc' to '1' or however many arguments the command is going to take in.

Make a new file in 'lib/commands/' and give the filename '' where command is the command name. If your 'argc' was set to 0, don't include 'args' in the functions parameters, else set the only parameter to 'args'. Args will contain a list of whatever arguments were passed to the command.

This command will contain whatever logic needs to be carried out. You should validate the arguments in there. After you have the response that you want a user to see, just 'return' it.

Let's say we want to add a command which will take two arguments, we will call it '!random' and it will take a 'minimum' and 'maximum' argument. We will limit this command to be allowed to be called every 20 seconds.

Add the following to the 'commands' dictionary in src/lib/

'!random': {
    'limit': 20,
    'argc': 2,
    'return': 'command',
    'ul': 'mod',
    'space_case': True

'limit' refers to the cooldown. The cooldown is only active per separate channel

'argc' refers to the number of arguments a command accepts, separated by spaces. If the command does not have 'command' as its 'return' value, this is not necessary. However, even if there are no arguments and 'command' is listed, 0 should be used.

If a command is not intended for use by moderators, there is no need for 'ul' to be included

a 'space_case' is a special scenario where you would like a command to have a single argument, but no limits to the number of separate strings you can input. Normally, arguments are separated by spaces.


Built in are several functions for battling first generation of Pokémon. Users can compete to be the first to !catch the randomly generated Pokémon and !battle each other in a social, multi-stream and whisper context. Users level up after winning a battle and they can !evolve, !nickname, !trade, and even !check their item inventory (inlcuding evolution stones and rare candies). Here are some Pokémon-specific commands:

!tallgrass [amount] (!tallgrass 1000)
!party ['members'/ username] (!party singlerider)
!battle [party position] [username] (!battle 1 lorenzotherobot)
!check ['trades'/'items'/'inventory'] (!check inventory)
!use [item position] [party position] (!use 11 4)
!trade [party position] [desired pokemon] [desired level] (!trade 1 Bulbasaur 5)
!redeem [party_position_to_trade] [username_to_trade] [party_position_to_redeem_from_user] (!redeem 2 singlerider 6)


If a user tries to type a message that is currently on a cooldown, the bot will whisper the user directly. It will inform them that they need to chill and how much more time they have until they can use it again. It will also let them know that they can just try to use the command in the whisper message itself. Users can type whatever they want to the bot and it will reply with quite a few responses defined in the brain directory using a language called RiveScript . There is also an API for quotes that the bot hits when it gets stumped so it sounds smart. The API is provided by . The bot can be whispered by typing

/w Lorenzotherobot hi

into any chatroom on Twitch.


The Llama family of features is associated with tracking user activity and returning it at will. The data is stored in a MySQL database. Every five minutes, if the streamer is currently streaming, points (or "treats") are added incrementally, one every time the function runs as a cron job. For a user to retrieve another user's or their own treats amount, they would type !llama [username]. If they would like to see a list of the top ten users in descending order, they would type "!llama list".

!llama ['treats'/username/'shots'/'list'/'wins']