singnet / opencog

A framework for integrated Artificial Intelligence & Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
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This git repository contains the "OpenCog Framework", which has served as a (scientific, technical) laboratory for researching, exploring and learning how to integrate AI algorithms and systems into humanoid robotic systems. Most of the activity within this particular repo has focused on integrating natural language chat, common-sense reasoning, assorted learning algorithms, and motor control of humanoid robots.

A stated goal of the OpenCog project is to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI) systems. This is all and well; however, what can be found here, in this particular repo, is very far from that. The code here really is ... a laboratory for integrating various types of AI systems. As such, it is a compilation of several decades of work by a large and varying collection of students, researchers, professors and software engineers. As a laboratory, it is filled with all sorts of devices in varying states of working order, from well-polished to mostly-broken.

See also:


Most of the basic components used in OpenCog are distributed across various git repos, (mostly) grouped under

This git repository contains a crude natural language processing pipeline, several embodied chatbots, and some control/action-selection mechanisms. These include:


To build and run the system here, the packages listed below are required. Users of Ubuntu may use the dependency installer from the /opencog/octool repository. Docker containers with OpenCog preconfigured can be found in the opencog/docker repo.


Common OpenCog C++ utilities. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


OpenCog Atomspace, a sophisticated (hyper-)graph database. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


OpenCog CogServer Network Server. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


OpenCog Attention Allocation subsystem. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


OpenCog Unified Rule Engine. Required for PLN It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


OpenCog Probabilistic Logic Networks reasoning system. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


OpenCog Spacetime Server - locations of objects in space and time. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


Visual and auditory senses, robot motor control. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.


Natural Language Parser for English, Russian, other languages. Required for natural language generation, and the chatbot. It uses exactly the same build procedure as this package. Be sure to sudo make install at the end.

Building OpenCog

Perform the following steps at the shell prompt:

    cd to project root dir
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

Libraries will be built into subdirectories within build, mirroring the structure of the source directory root.

Unit tests

To build and run the unit tests, from the ./build directory enter (after building opencog as above):

    make test