sinhasaptarshi / EveryShotCounts

Codebase for "Every Shot Counts: Using Exemplars for Repetition Counting in Videos"
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This is the codebase for the paper "Every Shot Counts: Using Exemplars for Repetition Counting in Videos"

supported versions Library GitHub license


Video repetition counting infers the number of repetitions of recurring actions or motion within a video. We propose an exemplar-based approach that discovers visual correspondence of video exemplars across repetitions within target videos. Our proposed Every Shot Counts (ESCounts) model is an attention-based encoder-decoder that encodes videos of varying lengths alongside exemplars from the same and different videos. In training, ESCounts regresses locations of high correspondence to the exemplars within the video. In tandem, our method learns a latent that encodes representations of general repetitive motions, which we use for exemplar-free, zero-shot inference. Extensive experiments over commonly used datasets (RepCount, Countix, and UCFRep) showcase ESCounts obtaining state-of-the-art performance across all three datasets. On RepCount, ESCounts increases the off-by-one from 0.39 to 0.56 and decreases the mean absolute error from 0.38 to 0.21. Detailed ablations further demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Install environment

Create a conda environment and activate it.

conda create -n repcount python=3.8

conda activate repcount

Install the required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Download

Download the Repcount dataset from here under data/RepCount

Get Countix dataset from here and get it under data/Countix

For UCF101, download the dataset from here and get it under data/UCFRep

Extract VideoMAE encodings

We use a pretrained VideoMAE-v2 encoder to extract spatio-temporal tokens from videos.

Download the pretrained encoder weights from here and put it in pretrained_models/

Extract spatio-temporal tokens for each video using

python --dataset RepCount --model VideoMAE --num_gpus 1 --data_path data/RepCount

This will create a folder saved_VideoMAEtokens_RepCount with tokens for all videos in the train, val and test set.

Next, extract spatio-temporal tokens for each exemplars using

python --dataset RepCount --model VideoMAE --num_gpus 1 --save_exemplar_encodings True --data_path data/RepCount

Again, this will create the folder exemplar_VideoMAEtokens_RepCount with tokens from repetitions in each video. For each video, the shape will be N x 3 x 8 x 14 x 14, where N is the number of repetitions in the video.

Train ESCounts

To train with ESCounts on the encoded tokens, use

python --num_gpus 1 --dataset RepCount --tokens_dir saved_VideoMAEtokens_RepCount --exemplar_dir exemplar_VideoMAEtokens_RepCount --save_path saved_models_repcount --token_pool_ratio 0.4 --multishot --iterative_shots --lr 5e-5 --encodings mae --threshold 0.4

This will save checkpoints in the save_path. --threshold 0.4 uses exemplars from different videos of same actions with probability of 0.4. --token_pool_ratio 0.4 downsamples encoded spatio-temporal tokens by spatial average pooling in order to fit in memory. --token_pool_ratio 1.0 uses no spatial average pooling. Modify this during inference appropriately.


To run inference with trained checkpoint, run

python --dataset RepCount --tokens_dir saved_VideoMAEtokens_RepCount --exemplar_dir exemplar_VideoMAEtokens_RepCount --trained_model xxxxx.pyth --multishot --iterative_shots --get_overlapping_segments

Replace xxxxx.pyth with the trained checkpoints.

You can download our trained model from here

Run Demo

To run demo on any video data/xxxx.mp4 with our trained model, use the following:

python --video_name data/xxxx.mp4 --resource 'cpu'

Change the resource accordingly. The output should be like The number of repetitions is $x$.