Jax is a framework for developing rich WebGL-enabled applications using JavaScript and Ruby. It can be used within a Ruby on Rails application, or as a completely stand-alone WebGL development environment.
Click on any image below to be taken to a live WebGL demonstration. Be sure to use a WebGL-enabled browser!
It requires ruby, which you can download at: http://www.ruby-lang.org
Other than that, Jax requires a few ruby gems which will be retrieved automatically when installing.
By far the best place to go if you want to dive into Jax is the Jax Guides. These are comprehensive guided tours of the framework, and cover pretty much anything you can think of doing. In particular, the Getting Started Guide is laid out in an easy-to-follow tutorial format.
Another good place to look around is the Jax Wiki, where Jax developers (including yourself!) can share tips and tricks with one another.
The Forums are a great place to get involved in the Jax community, and are a good place to go for help or general discussion.
The Jax Blog is where the latest news and developments-in-progress will be posted, so if you keep an eye on you'll always be in the know.
Finally, you can always contact me, the developer, on Twitter as @sinisterchipmnk or sinisterchipmunk on Github.
Anyone interested in doing so is more than welcome -- nay, encouraged -- to fork this project on Github.
Jax is released under the MIT license.