I am using hefix.js to collect IPFIX from Oracle SBCs and convert them into HEP. Then, i use heplify-server to store data into homer database.
I´ve attached some messages from hefix.js debug output (both ipfix and hep debug enabled), to find a message related to QOS REPORT just search by 268: QOS REPORT on attached log.
The HEP is then processed by heplify and below there´s the log related to an QOS message database insertion. As you can see "RAW" column is being populated with "[object Object]".
On the Homer side, i´ve created a mapping to get data from ID 35, a exact copy of default RTP-FULL-REPORT (ID 34) but with ID changed to 35.
The messages are then shown on the grid using this template but when clicking on correlation id nothing is loaded with "Uknown error" due to the RAW data being just [object Object].
2020-05-13T15:54:54+01:00 DBG [sql] COPY hep_proto_35_default(sid,create_date,protocol_header,data_header,raw) FROM STDIN
I am using hefix.js to collect IPFIX from Oracle SBCs and convert them into HEP. Then, i use heplify-server to store data into homer database.
I´ve attached some messages from hefix.js debug output (both ipfix and hep debug enabled), to find a message related to QOS REPORT just search by 268: QOS REPORT on attached log.
The HEP is then processed by heplify and below there´s the log related to an QOS message database insertion. As you can see "RAW" column is being populated with "[object Object]". On the Homer side, i´ve created a mapping to get data from ID 35, a exact copy of default RTP-FULL-REPORT (ID 34) but with ID changed to 35.
The messages are then shown on the grid using this template but when clicking on correlation id nothing is loaded with "Uknown error" due to the RAW data being just [object Object].
2020-05-13T15:54:54+01:00 DBG [sql] COPY hep_proto_35_default(sid,create_date,protocol_header,data_header,raw) FROM STDIN
[3898c0b72c1114e02da7f07b4b72c51c@ 2020-05-13T15:54:53.000134+01:00 {"protocolFamily":2,"protocol":17,"srcIp":"","dstIp":"","srcPort":0,"dstPort":0,"timeSeconds":1589381693,"timeUseconds":134,"payloadType":35,"captureId":"2017","capturePass":"oracme","correlation_id":"3898c0b72c1114e02da7f07b4b72c51c@"} {"node":"2017","proto":"rtcpxr"} [object Object]
Postgres table:
Probably this is more a hepfix or heplify realted issue but any help would be very appreciated.