sipcapture / homer

HOMER - 100% Open-Source SIP, VoIP, RTC Packet Capture & Monitoring
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.58k stars 239 forks source link
analytics callflow capture-agent cdr correlation encapsulation flow hep kamailio monitoring opensips packet-capture packet-sniffer pcap rtc sip statistics troubleshooting voip webrtc


100% Open-Source VoIP & RTC Observability

Real-Time Packet Capture, Troubleshooting & Monitoring



HOMER is a robust, carrier-grade, scalable Packet and Event Observability framework for VoiP/RTC Monitoring Applications based on the HEP/EEP protocol and ready to ingest insane amounts of signaling, rtc events, logs and statistics with instant search, end-to-end correlation and drill-down capabilities.

HOMER is already used by large enterprises, voice network operators, voip service providers and traffic carriers worldwide, has been implemented as a service in 3rd party voice platforms and is suitable for production.

HOMER 10+ reimagines the platform as a headless observaility solution using standard protocols and visualization tools such as Grafana.

Core Features

Unlike its predecessors, HOMER 10 is designed to natively fit modern observability standards and to navigate VoIP and WebRTC troubleshooting into the present and future. Without loosing any feature and retaining full backwards compatibility with the HEPv3 encapsulation format HOMER 10 can capture and transform packets, sessions and reports into industry standard Logs, Metrics and Traces in realtime.


Ready to Install HOMER? Choose your preferred method from our Wiki :thumbsup:


For community support, updates, user discussion and experience exchange please join our Matrix channel and Mailing-List. If you'd like to help the project or donate resources, drop us an email at

For professional support, remote setups, customizations or commercial licensing please contact the QXIP Team at


If you'd like to get an idea about what HOMER is and what HOMER does, consider watching one of our presentations or workshops from ClueCon, OpenSIPS Summit, Kamailio World, CommCon, Fosdem and many more.


Contributors and Contributions to our project are always welcome! Developers and Users can coordinate with the existing team via our Matrix channel. If you'd like to join our internal team and volunteer to help with the project's many needs, feel free to contact us anytime!

⭐️ Project Assistance

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Stargazers over time

License & Copyright


Homer components are released under the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

(C) 2008-2022 QXIP BV

Made by Humans

This Open-Source project is made possible by actual Humans without corporate sponsors, angels or patreons.
If you use this software in production, please consider supporting its development with contributions or donations
