siphonelee / SuiS3

SuiS3 is a tool that presents an AWS S3-style CLI, facilitating the effective management of Walrus' flat data storage in a structured and meaningful hierarchy, through the related metadata stored on Sui.
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logo Sui Walrus provides efficient and robust decentralized storage. Basically it maintains a mapping from blob id to content, i.e. a flat namespace structure. The flat storage model presents challenges in terms of human usability and management. SuiS3 is a tool that presents an AWS S3-style CLI, facilitating the effective management of Walrus' flat data storage in a structured and meaningful hierarchy, through the related metadata stored on Sui.

How to use

shell mode

Command List

mb suis3://bucket create bucket
rb suis3://bucket delete bucket
la/ls list all buckets
ll list all buckts details (create time, bucket name)
ls suis3://bucket list objects in the bucket
ll suis3://bucket list objects detail in the bucket (object uri, create/modify time, size, blob id, expire epoch)
put file suis3://bucket/object upload the file
put file suis3://bucket upload the file (file name as object name)
get suis3://bucket/object file download object and save to assigned file
get suis3://bucket/object download object in current folder
cat suis3://bucket/object show the object content
del suis3://bucket/object delete the object
tag list suis3://bucket[/object] list tag(s) of the bucket or the object
tag ls suis3://bucket[/object] list tag(s) of the bucket or the object
tag add suis3://bucket[/object] key1=value1 [key2=value2] ... add tag(s) to the bucket or the object
tag put suis3://bucket[/object] key1=value1 [key2=value2] ... add tag(s) to the bucket or the object
tag del suis3://bucket[/object] remove tag(s) from the bucket or the object
tag rm suis3://bucket[/object] remove tag(s) from the bucket or the object
