siramon / jspm-cycle-test

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CycleJS with JSPM (Test)

The purpose of this repository is to test CycleJS with JSPM in a OSX dev environment



Install npm with brew and nvr (adapted from

$ brew update
$ brew install nvm

Create a folder for nvm files, I created mine in ~/.nvm

$ mkdir ~/.nvm

Add this lines to your .bash_profile, this loads nvm

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
. "$(brew --prefix nvm)/"

Open a new console.

Install npm with node

$ nvm install
$ npm install -g npm@latest


Next step is jspm installation, starting with the jspm CLI (globally available)

$ npm install jspm -g

Next, create your project and init jspm

$ mkdir my_first_project && cd my_first_project
$ npm install jspm --save-dev
$ jspm init


Lets start our test with cycleJS (core / dom modules).

$ jspm install npm:@cycle/core
$ jspm install npm:@cycle/dom

and start testing....