sirfuzzalot / workspace-explorer

Organize, iconize and open your collection of VSCode workspaces
Apache License 2.0
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Folder-Colors? In Multiroot? Maybe? #24

Open db-developer opened 2 years ago

db-developer commented 2 years ago

Hi. I've been switching from Atom to Visual Studio Code lately, because Microsoft has been sunsetting Having tried most of the explorers for vscode within the last days, I'm still missing an explorer which lets me colorize rootfolders in a multiroot workspace. It's a quite important feature for me, which is not about having a fancy blue or read for all folders, but one color for each specific meaning. While (at least the git) extension(s) seem to be capable of colorizing root folders (green for 'file(s) not yet added to git'), I have not yet found a way to do the same, by inserting properties into settings.json. So I don't know if my wish for colorized rootfolders is implementable.

If not, it's maybe possible to have a treeview with multiple colums, so one might have one or more configurable columns, maybe to display a customizable value or a square of some color (like outlook does for email categories...) or icons (as flags)?

However. Having colorizable/categorizable rootfolders would be of great value.
