sisby-folk / crunchy-crunchy-advancements

A minecraft mod that configurably chomps off the advancements system, without breaking mods.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link
java minecraft
preview Takes a configurably-large bite out of advancements.
Requires Connector on (neo)forge.
Works well with EMI.


Crunchy Crunchy Advancements is a mod that, by default:


Crunchy Crunchy can be configured via config/crunchy_crunchy_advancements.toml, including:

Mods like Patchouli require advancements for progression, so this mod doesn't remove all advancements by default.
To load even fewer advancements, swap to whitelist mode and individually filter these mods by namespace.


All mods are built on the work of many others.

This mod is included in Tinkerer's Quilt - which adds its own vanilla quest tree.

We're open to better ways to implement our mods. If you see something odd and have an idea, let us know!