sisby-folk / tinkerers-quilt

A minecraft modpack that adds nothing - including accessibility improvements, character customization, rebalanced difficulty, and a fully in-game tutorial for vanilla. On modrinth at:
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
11 stars 4 forks source link

Cannot start server #23

Closed Karakaz closed 1 year ago

Karakaz commented 1 year ago


I downloaded the server from

I ran the update script.

When trying to run the server with script 'Start.bat', I getting the following error

$ ./Start.bat

C:\Games\Minecraft\Tinkerers-Quilt-1.19-Server\server>java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -Dloader.debug.loadLate=origins -jar quilt-server-launch.jar nogui
[19:54:16] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19.2 with Quilt Loader 0.18.10
[19:54:16] [main/INFO]: Loading mappings: jar:file:/C:/Games/Minecraft/Tinkerers-Quilt-1.19-Server/server/libraries/net/fabricmc/intermediary/1.19.2/intermediary-1.19.2.jar!/mappings/mappings.tiny
[19:54:18] [main/ERROR]: Crashed! The full crash report has been saved to .\crash-reports\crash-2023-06-11_19.54.18.2042-quilt_loader.txt
---- Quilt Loader: Failed to load ----
Date/Time: 2023/06/11 19:54:18.2172

-- Error 1 --

Memory Leak Fix requires version [0.14.21, ?) of fabricloader, which is missing!
Memory Leak Fix is loaded from .\mods\memoryleakfix-fabric-1.17+-1.1.1.jar

-- Plugin State --

Cycle number = 1
Cycle Step = SOLVE

Loaded Plugins (2):
 - 'quilt_loader' (Builtin)
 - 'quilted_fabric_loader' (Builtin)

---- end of report ----
[19:54:18] [main/ERROR]: For more details see the full crash report file: .\crash-reports\crash-2023-06-11_19.54.18.2042-quilt_loader.txt
Game crashed! Saved the crash report to .\crash-reports\crash-2023-06-11_19.54.18.2042-quilt_loader.txt
sisby-folk commented 1 year ago

Agh, typical, memory leak fix bumped the fabric loader version dependency higher than Quilt stable again. We'll downgrade it today or put in an override.

sisby-folk commented 1 year ago

oops! forgot to mention - this should be fixed! give it an update and let me know.

Karakaz commented 1 year ago

That did the trick 👌