sisby-folk / tinkerers-quilt

A minecraft modpack that adds nothing - including accessibility improvements, character customization, rebalanced difficulty, and a fully in-game tutorial for vanilla. On modrinth at:
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
11 stars 4 forks source link
game minecraft minecraft-modpack
Tinkerer's Quilt banner A modpack that adds nothing.
Making minecraft smoother, more discoverable, and have the exact same amount of items since 2021.

Pack Features

No Items, No Blocks, All Service [Vanilla-Compatibility]

Tinkerer's Quilt is Vanilla Compatible - It doesn't add any new blocks items, or world features.

It's still a mixed-side modpack - it needs to be installed on both the client and any servers you connect to.

If you want to play with Tinkerer's Quilt's tweaks on servers with vanilla players, try Tinkerer's Silk.

A Playable Minecraft Wiki [Vanilla Quests]

Tinkerer's Quilt adds 166 quests that help players explore minecraft.
From basic game progression to niche mechanics like mechanisms, building furniture, and using beds as weapons.

Click to show Quest Previews #### The Basics - Overworld, Nether, End
![Quests: The Basics]( #### Homesteading - Transport, Housing, Farming (Renewables), Workshopping (Mechanisms) ![Quests: Homesteading]( #### Self-Defense - Armaments, Challenges, Foes ![Quests: Self-Defense]( #### Exploration - Wanderer, Sightseer, Naturalist ![Quests: Exploration](
Relevant Mod Summary
🛠️ Crunchy Crunchy Advancements Removes advancements so you can focus on quests.

My Other Modpack Description Is A Quest [In-Game Documentation]

Tinkerer's Quilt has all the information you need to know about the pack in-game.

No wiki, nothing - you don't even need to read this whole description.

Most of the information is available in the Introduction Quest Category: Quests: Introduction

Relevant Mod Summary
EMI An advanced recipe book for learning how to craft and use any item.
What The Hell Is That? Hold alt to see information on the block or mob you're looking at.
🛠️ PicoHUD Hold alt to see your location, direction, and the in-game time.

Smooth As Butter [Game Rebalancing / QoL]

Tinkerer's Quilt focuses rebalancing on making the game accessible to more people, but also taking the sting out of frustrating parts of vanilla.

It's not just about making the game easier - with annoyances alleviated in death, movement, and equipment mechanics, more experienced players can crank the difficulty and have a blast!

Relevant Mod Summary
Apathy Mobs are neutral on easy difficulty, and will only attack you if provoked.
You're In Grave Danger Leaves a grave on death with your items and XP that won't de-spawn.
🛠️ Tinkerer's Smithing Repair, upgrade, and maintain your favourite tools.
Project: Save The Pets! Prevents pet harm and adds a pet revival system.
Horse Buff Improves and protects horses, making them easier to take out on adventures.
Reacharound Build midair bridges without sneaking, and even downwards stairs.
Fabrication A multitude of minor improvements, like automatic block pickup and crawling.
Noteable Allows players to take in-game notes about their plans, locations to revisit, etc.
🛠️ Portable Crafting Open the crafting table from your inventory.

Three Demons, Two Lizards, a Bug, and a Fish all walk into a Bar [Character Customization]

Tinkerer's Quilt Encourages player expression with better skins, origins, and more ways to build.

Relevant Mod Summary
Ears Skins with tails, horns, ears, claws, wings and more!
Fabric Tailor Swap your skin in-game.
🛠️ Drogstyle Change player name, color, and bio (e.g. pronouns) any time.
🛠️ Switchy Swap between player profiles with names, skins, or even inventories!
Origins Choose an Origin, with various traits and abilities.
🛠️ Origins Minus Simple, unbalanced, expressive origins that don't interrupt vanilla.
🛠️ Tinkerer's Statures Choose your height and size with origins!
Presence Footsteps Footstep audio redone - allows changing footstep gait for quadrupeds/etc.
Styled Chat Discord-like chat and emoji markdown. Type : and press tab!
Fabrication A huge tweak mod, includes hiding armor and improvements for minecart networks.
Carpet Many server tweaks, including mechanism and renewable expansions.

Pretty Pretty [Visuals]

Tinkerer's Quilt is just as opinionated about visuals as it is about everything else - it includes various visual tweaks and improvements for clarity, performance, and often just plain aesthetic!

In addition to the below, Tinkerer's Quilt has support for the majority of optifine-format resource packs, including things like connected textures and custom skyboxes, thanks to optifine alternative mods made by the community.

Relevant Mod Summary
Vanilla Tweaks Decaying tools, less obtrusive shields and fire, and minor texture changes.
Sodium Modern-day holy grail of client performance mods.
Iris Allows using shaders like Complementary, Prismarine, and Super Duper Vanilla
Xali's Enchanted Books Unique textures for enchanted books.
Sully's Peeves Texture improvements for many everyday blocks and items.

More Info


Stable (Modrinth)

Use your modrinth-supporting launcher of choice (e.g. Prism) - follow modrinth instructions, then manually download the mods listed in the changelog for your version.

Edge (Unsup)

This pack version auto-updates every launch. Slightly higher chance of experiencing pack-jank.



If you intend to play without shaders on a powerful machine, we highly recommend QDAA to improve visual consistency.

If you experience arachnophobia or otherwise need to disable the spawning of a mob entirely, try VanillaDisable.

If you'd like to play with a controller, install Controlify before playing.

If you get lost without a map mod, try Antique Atlas 4 - which we include in other editions.

Full Modlist

Click to show List ``` Resource Packs: Axolotl Bucket Variants Sully's Peeves Vanilla Tweaks Varied Connected Bookshelves xali's Enchanted Books Mods: Advancements Debug Ambient Environment Animatica Apathy AppleSkin Architectury API bad packets Balm BedrockWaters Better End Sky Boring Default Game Rules Cardinal Ice Boats Carpet Carpet Extra Carpet-Fixes Charmonium ChickensShed Chunks fade in CIT Resewn ClickThrough Client Tweaks Cloth Config API Colormatic Continuity Couplings Coyote Time Crowmap Crunchy Crunchy Advancements Drogstyle [Jar/Fork] Dyable Fishing Lines Dynamic FPS Ears (+ Snouts/Muzzles, Tails, Horns, Wings, and More) EasierEnchanting Effective EMI EMI Trades Enhanced Attack Indicator Enhanced Block Entities Exordium Fabric Shield Lib Fabric Tailor Fabrication Falling Leaves FastOpenLinksAndFolders Feed the Bees FerriteCore [Fork/Jar] Fishing Real FTB Library (Fabric) FTB Quests (Fabric) FTB Teams (Fabric) Horse Buff Idwtialsimmoedm ImmediatelyFast Indium Inspecio Iris Shaders Item Filters Item Model Fix JamLib Kaffee's Dual Ride Keep My Hand Kiwi Krypton LambdaBetterGrass LambDynamicLights LAN World Plug-n-Play (mcwifipnp) LazyDFU Leaves Us In Peace Lithium Loading Screen Tips Luna Slimes Main Menu Credits Mod Menu ModernFix More Culling Mouse Wheelie Music Notification Not Enough Animations Notes Ok Zoomer [Jar/Fork] Origins Origins Minus oωo (owo-lib) Pehkui Pettable PicoHUD Portable Crafting Presence Footsteps Project: Save the Pets! QDResLoader Quilt Kotlin Libraries (QKL) Quilt Loading Screen Quilt Standard Libraries Reacharound Reese's Sodium Options RightClickHarvest Simple Durability Tooltip Simple Fog Control Skip Transitions Snow Under Trees (Fabric) Snow! Real Magic! Sodium Sodium Extra Starlight (Fabric) Status Effect Timer Styled Chat Styled Nicknames Styled Player List SwingThrough Switchy Switchy Inventories Switchy Proxy Switchy Teleport SwitchyKit Tax Free Levels Text Placeholder API Tinkerer's Smithing Tinkerer's Statures ToolTipFix Totem Anywhere VehicleFix Visuality Window Title Changer WTHIT WTHIT Plugins You're in Grave Danger Recommended Shader Packs: BSL Shaders Builder's QOL Shaders Complementary Reimagined Complementary Shaders - Unbound Prismarine Shaders Rethinking Voxels Sildurs Enhanced Default Shaders Solas Shader Super Duper Vanilla ```


All present minecraft modding is built on a decade of work from other people (and non-people, we don't discriminate).

This modpack started in January 2021 as a skyrim-style vanilla+ "modding guide" - and only exists in the form it has today thanks to much help from the community!

Special Thanks

Emi (EMI)
Una (Fabrication, Ears, Drogtor, Yttr, Unsup)
Quat (Apathy)
Comp500 (Packwiz)
LambdAurora (QSL, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights)
Patbox (Styled Nicknames, Styled Chat)
Vazkii (Bliss)
Infinidoge (Simple Durability Tooltip)
Mod contributors and collaborators - Ampflower, Pug, LemmaEOF, Silver, Garden System, Kat, Aquaholic, Octal, Wonder collective, Leo, Janet, Jasmine, and also we have walnut memory so probably like a lot of other people lets be honest - Falkreon probably? you get the picture.
More generally - unascribed's guild and its inhabitants
The queer pluralfolk who initially tested the pack in early 2022 (you know who you are)
Bleu (for drawing the original Kapesi bust in the icon/banner art)
DuppyPuff (for drawing kapesi used in the new icon/banner art)
The many, many other folks who've provided development support and feedback for us and our modding ventures - this project wouldn't be possible without you!

License Credits

Vanilla Tweaks:

Tinkerer's: Quilt - Smithing - Origins - Statures - HUD
Loveletters: Tabs - Atlas - Portable Crafting - Drogstyle
Others: Switchy - Crunchy - Starcaller